
Mental Health Statistics Updated 2022

In the United States, mental illness is becoming more prevalent. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health Statistics, one in five Americans had a mental illness. Mental illness is also the leading cause of disability in the U.S. estimated that only 25% of those who need treatment receive treatment.

The most common mental health issues


Loneliness Statistics Worldwide 2021

People are social creatures that require others to rely on, connect with, and live their lives. It always appears to be a more difficult task than in 2022.

We began the year under social limitations, COVID isolation, and preventative tactics as a farewell gift from the previous one.

It’s natural to feel lonely at times. Feelings of


The 35 Most Interesting Employee Motivation Statistics in 2022

Employee motivation receives insufficient attention in the corporate world, and it may negatively influence the company’s employees.

On the other hand, achieving it appears complicated; just 15% of workers believe they are engaged in their job.

These morale statistics were compiled to assist you in understanding how your staff feels about their jobs at the moment.

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Financial Literacy Statistics in 2022

Financial crises and financial literacy have been the subject of a great deal of research.

The study discovered that being more literate in financial topics is linked to a person’s ability to overcome macroeconomic adversity, such as COVID-19 or the 2008 economic collapse.

Money is a significant concern for many Americans, and the problem persists worldwide.


15 Working From Home Productivity Statistics in 2022

For many businesses, working from home is still a novel concept.

Therefore data on working from home productivity statistics are somewhat limited.

However, these 15 Working From Home Productivity Facts appear to indicate that there’s a lot of potential in allowing staff to work from home or in working from home yourself:

Key Facts About Working From Home


36 Emotional Intelligence Statistics & Facts

High IQs are often used to describe intelligent people. However, the most capable, competent, and successful individuals generally have high EQs in the business world.

Those with average EQ scores outperform individuals with high IQs 70% of the time, owing to their higher EQ or emotional intelligence.

The more we learn about emotional intelligence, the more it


60+ Depression Statistics: Women, Men, And Children

Adults over the age of 25 are far more prone to depression than those between 12 and 25. According to statistics, approximately 7% of people are clinically diagnosed with depression; however, this rate is nearly double among persons aged 12-25.

See where depression manifests itself by age and cause.

Major depressive disorder (MDD), also known as clinical


77 Brain Statistics, Facts, and Figures to Educate Marketers

These scientific facts debunk many brain misconceptions. For the better (or worse), learn how the brain functions. All data are based on primary sources.

There are many human brain statistics and “facts” floating around that aren’t true.

It’s somewhat rational; studying the human brain is one of science’s least explored fields.

Even experts agree that we still have

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