by Petri Maatta

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Emotional Intelligence Statistics

High IQs are often used to describe intelligent people. However, the most capable, competent, and successful individuals generally have high EQs in the business world.

Those with average EQ scores outperform individuals with high IQs 70% of the time, owing to their higher EQ or emotional intelligence.

The more we learn about emotional intelligence, the more it turns out to be the key to success for people in a wide range of jobs, industries, and organizations.

Traditionally, intellect scores such as the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) have been the gold standard for predicting success. Surprisingly, a high IQ score is no longer regarded as a predictor of success.

Intelligence should certainly be valued, but it has traditionally been overrated in the workplace. The fact is that intelligence, or IQ, is meaningless unless it’s complemented with talents such as self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

Otherwise, it’s nothing more than a signal that someone can do well on diagnostic assessments.

Key Facts About Emotional Intelligence 

  • 95 % individualsbelieve they are self-aware, but only 15% of individuals are genuine.
  • Emotional intelligence has a significant influence on job performance, with 58% of the variation in job success attributed to emotional intelligence.
  • Emotional intelligence is a key predictor of performance for 90% of the top performers in the workplace.
  • Working people have a 99 % probability of dealing with at least one person who is not self-aware.
  • Leaders who have empathy outperform their counterparts by 40%.

Compelling Emotional Intelligence Statistics (Editor’s Picks)

  • Most people (95%) think of themselves as self-aware, but a mere 15% of individuals are authentic.
  • Peers were considered to be the most uneducated coworkers.
  • The EQ is four times more dependable than the IQ in predicting your field’s success.
  • Leaders with empathy are more engaged and make better decisions and provide more coaching to their employees than those without.
  • Emotional intelligence has a powerful impact on job success, with 58% of the variation in job performance explained by emotional intelligence.
  • Emotional intelligence is a significant predictor of performance for 90 % of top-performing employees.
  • When it comes to finding employees, 71 % of employers place more value on emotional quotient than intellectual quotient.

Self-Awareness Emotional Intelligence Statistics 

  • According to many surveys, 95 % of individuals think they are self-aware, yet only 10–15% are genuinely aware.

According to Tasha Eurich, an organizational psychologist, many individuals seem to be in denial. Self-awareness is about knowing who you are and how others perceive you. It’s critical for professional success, leadership effectiveness, and job performance. However, it isn’t as widespread in today’s business environment.

  • Working Americans have a 99 % chance of working with at least one person who is not self-aware.

In a study of 467 professionals from various industries in the United States, almost all of them have worked with someone who was self-inconsiderate. Furthermore, nearly 50% of the respondents said they had worked with four such individuals.

  • The most oblivious coworkers were identified as peers, with 73 % of American employees claiming to have at least one clueless colleague.

You don’t have to go far to find an unaware coworker. 33% of American employees claimed to have bosses who aren’t self-aware, and 16% asserted they had such clients and had oblivious coworkers.

Emotional Intelligence at Work

  • Employees with higher EQ scores earn more than $29,000 on average every year over those with lower EQ.

High emotional intelligence is linked to career success and enhanced productivity. It isn’t a surprise that individuals with superior EQ make more money than those with inadequate EQ. However, don’t be too concerned because as you get older, your emotional intelligence improves, and you can develop it over time.

  • Every point in your EQ score adds another $1,300 to your yearly compensation.

Although IQ scores can indicate a person’s competence in their job, high EQ scores appear to be the more important predictor of success. Nonetheless, enhancing your emotional intelligence has monetary advantages as well.

  • According to a recent survey, about 75 % of the Fortune 500 firms employ emotional intelligence training solutions.

The Fortune 500 firms are the most successful companies in the United States. They’ve got a leg up for a reason: emotional intelligence training. These businesses recognize the importance of emotional intelligence training, so they make it a point to include it as part of their employee development arsenal.

  • EQ is four times more effective than IQ in determining who will be successful in their field.

The ability to recognize and manage emotions is more important for professional success than Intelligence, according to a 40-year study of UC Berkeley PhDs. EQ is four times more powerful than IQ in determining a person’s success in their field. Active listening, stress management, and empathy are all skills that can help someone succeed. Even the sharpest intellect may gain from having a higher EQ score.

  • Senior software developers with top-10% EQ scores may produce applications three times faster than low-EQ coworkers.

This demonstrates that even in professions where you might anticipate a lower EQ not to matter as much, it impacts productivity. Anyone may profit from high emotional intelligence or at the very least take training to enhance it.

  • Leaders who have empathy outperform those without by 40%.

Empathy is said to be the most critical talent a leader must have, according to DDI, a worldwide leadership development firm. According to research, managers and workers in charge of leadership are seen to perform better when they are empathetic.

Leaders who communicate with empathy inspire their staff to feel more cared for. Individual team members do better due to this feeling of support and empowerment.

How Does Emotional Intelligence Affect Companies?

  • Emotional intelligence has a 58% influence on job performance.

It would be wise for businesses to invest in emotional intelligence training for their workers to improve EQ scores, given the direct link between job success and emotional intelligence.

Aside from learning and developing their employees’ abilities, emotional intelligence must also be considered to improve their performance.

  • Restaurants managed by people with high emotional intelligence grow their profit by 22% each year.

With this knowledge in hand, it’s easy to see that emotional intelligence significantly influences commercial success. The key elements affecting production are emotional self-awareness, happiness, social responsibility, reality testing, and interpersonal relationship — all of which are components of emotional intelligence.

  • Workers with managers with high EQ levels are nearly four times less likely to leave their jobs than those with low EQ managers.

Employees who feel trusted enough to express their concerns in a business setting, whether work-related or not, are more likely to do so. They’re also more inclined to speak up because they believe they have been heard, raising employee engagement and lowering turnover rates.

  • According to recent research, over 90% of top-performing employees have high emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence could be evaluated when employers seek persons who have leadership potential or are in line for a raise or promotion. Even if you don’t have a high EQ score, you may still be an effective employee if you’re not being recognized for it.

However, the top 20% of the high-EQ employees made up only 20% of the company’s low performers.

How Much Do Companies Value Emotional Intelligence?

When recruiting for talent, 72 % of hiring managers place a higher premium on emotional intelligence than intellect. Companies understand that although having someone with strong hard skills is beneficial, an individual with high emotional intelligence will be more profitable in the long run.

According to hiring managers, employees with EQ are more likely to solve the conflict, sympathize with coworkers, and remain calm under pressure.

  • 59% of employers will not hire a candidate with a high IQ but poor EQ.

High-IQ people might have the necessary talents to be productive workers in the workplace, but those with low EQ may be a pain to deal with. That is why employers are unwilling to compromise. Even if a person has a high IQ, they will not be hired if they have bad EQ.

  • ACCORDING TO ONE SURVEY, high EQ employees are preferred over high IQ individuals for a promotion 75% of the time.

High emotional intelligence leaders are more likely to be productive and successful. They typically lead by example and give a great deal of consideration before making business decisions. They also listen as much as they talk, which is an excellent attribute in those who hold a leadership position.

  • 30% of HR managers believe that employers put insufficient emphasis on emotional intelligence throughout the application procedure.

Emotional intelligence isn’t nearly as emphasized as it should be, but it is critical to success. However, emotional intelligence isn’t nearly enough highlighted as it should be. Companies are now taking appropriate action to implement this change because of the growing awareness of the benefits of employing emotionally intelligent people or training workers to enhance their emotional intelligence.

  • HR managers are finding it more challenging to teach soft skills than technical abilities, according to 40% of respondents.

Problem-solving, stress management, communication, and adaptability are all examples of soft skills. These qualities are more difficult to instill in someone than how to use Excel. It generally takes a lot of training to teach somebody better soft skills, but the result is well worth it.


What %age of success does emotional intelligence account for?

Emotional intelligence, according to TalentSmart, is the most crucial component in professional performance, contributing to 58 % of a professional’s career success.

Furthermore, workers with high emotional intelligence make $29,000 more per year than those with low emotional intelligence. Each point you score higher on an emotional intelligence assessment adds $1,300 to your earnings every year.

What is the typical EQ score?

The average EQ score is 90 to 100, while the ideal score is 160. People with a high EQ score are more likely to comprehend and sympathize with others. You can improve your emotional intelligence if your EQ rating is low by learning how to handle or control unpleasant emotions.

Is emotional intelligence on the decline?

According to the Journal of Personality, three out of four emotional intelligence components decreased in recent years. In a meta-analysis of 70 research papers with 17,000 participants, well-being, self-control, and emotionality have declined. According to the analysis, access to technology is linked to a drop in self-control and happiness.

Statistics for this article were gathered from the following sources:


petri maatta, CEO
Petri Maatta

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.

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