Law of attraction statistics and facts
The Urban Dictionary describes the Law of attraction this way:
“The belief that positive thoughts are magnets for positive life experiences and negative thoughts are magnets for negative life experiences; if you have a specific desire and focus joyfully on that desire, it will be fulfilled, etc.
But research shows that there is far more to the Law of attraction than what this definition implies.
Many individuals are under the impression that the Law of Attraction is a pseudo-scientific concept, despite a lack of study on human capabilities and skills such as deliberate thinking, emotional intelligence, and visualization.
Olympic sports athletes such as Michael Phelps, Allyson Felix, Ronaldinho and Lindsey Vonn use visualization on a daily basis.
In fact, since Soviet research in the 1970s began to validate their beneficial impact on performance, 70-90 percent of Olympic athletes now practice visualization methods, also known as “imagery,” because it gives concrete results. Researchers from all over the world now conclude that properly performed visualization techniques may improve motor skills, grow muscle strength, decrease anxiety, increase self-confidence, and improve concentration.
If you struggle with manifesting what you want, you are neither lazy nor alone.
The following facts, trends, and statistics can offer you insight into what is really behind Law of attraction and how to use it correctly, which might just change your life.
So without further ado, let’s see the stats and facts!
Key information, facts and figures to know about the law of attraction.
The law of attraction demographics, usage statistics and popularity.
We present scientifically backed-up data and facts to assist us in validating the concept.
We provide evidence to show how mental development affects our psychology.
In this section, we present some statistics and success rates on using the law of attraction.
We present proof whether the law of attraction works or doesn’t, and why.
We exam the philosophy, and how it relates to scientific research.
We present related or historical facts and figures about this ancient law.
Statistics and facts for this article were gathered from listed sources.
The law of attraction is a theory about the nature of the universe. According to this theory, individuals create their own circumstances in life with their thoughts and feelings (Law Of Attraction Facts & Stats 2017).
The law of attraction is a New Age concept that refers to the belief that positive thinking can create life-changing events. The Law of Attraction has captured the interest of individuals including celebrities, entrepreneurs, and coaches for decades.
In this updated report, we have identified the facts, stats, and patterns of behaviours that successful people share about using the Law of attraction.
Key Law of attraction Facts

While everyone has failed at manifesting what they want at some point in their life, the law of attraction movement is on the rise.
- In the 1990’s, only 2% of adults believed in the Law of attraction, but today that percentage has grown to 73% of the world’s population.
- According to a study by the National Science Foundation found that about 25% of people who try law of attraction techniques report some success.
- In 2006, a book entitled The Secret was released. The book became an international bestseller and its philosophy of the law of attraction captivated people around the world.
- The global law of attraction industry has shown annual growth rates ranging from 6-11%.
- The book industry for law of attraction is estimated to be worth $776 million.
- According to the United States Department of Labor, there are around 16 thousand life coaches working in America today.
Law of attraction Usage Statistics

At least 20% of all young people under the age of 35 claims to have heard about, read, or watched something related to the law of attraction.
According to a survey conducted by market research firm Mintel, there are around 30 million Americans who have claimed that they use thoughts and techniques related to the law of attraction.
- In 2006, when the Secret book and movie was released, the global law of attraction industry was worth an estimated $4.7 billion.
- In 2008, when the market for The Secret book became famous worldwide, the global law of attraction industry was worth an estimated $15 billion dollars.
- In 2009, a Gallup poll showed that 21% of American adults were spending at least one hour a day practicing some form of meditation or in another form of contemplation such as yoga or prayer.
- Since 2009, there has been a huge increase in the amount of global web traffic that goes to sites about Law Of Attraction. The market for the book The Secret is currently still worth about $60 million.
- In 2013, when the law of attraction was trending in the United States, Google’s statistics showed that searches for ‘law of attraction’ and ‘law of attraction techniques’ had a significant rise.
- Core consumers aged 40-44 about 9.5%, followed by 45- 49 about 8.6%
- 62.7% Male and 62.3% Female users are married
- 25.4% people have a secondary level of educational qualification
- 18.1% people are in Manufacturing service
- 17.9% are in the occupation of Assoc. Professional & Technicians
The Law of Attraction is a $15 billion dollar niche that has over a billion people hungry to learn about the secrets that could gain their success in one way or another.
In my experience, only about 3 percent of the population actually believes and consciously uses the law of attraction. This 3 percent includes the most powerful and successful people on the planet.
About 40% of the population agrees with the general concept but does not actively use it, other than passively or actively through prayer. The law only works with complete faith. If the prayer is one of hope, and not backed by faith, then it is less likely to be effective.
The remaining 57% of the population does not appear to presently accept the theory.
In the future, I expect the numbers of people consciously using the theory to rise significantly. At present, those willing to experiment and actually use the theory have a tremendous advantage in society.
Law of attraction scientific proof

The law of attraction has been a topic of discussion for many scientists and psychologists. While there have been scientific studies that have supported the power of positive thinking, other scientists have not been able to prove this phenomenon.
- You won’t find any scientific studies that conclusively prove the existence of the law of attraction.
- Scientifically speaking, there’s no concrete evidence that says the law of attraction actually exists.
Supportive evidence
However, there’s some research to support cause and effect, positive thinking, gratitude and visualization.
One area that’s been studied a lot is the power of positive thinking. It turns out that positive thinking can have a profound impact on your health – both mentally and physically.
Proponents say the law of attraction is supported by theories from quantum physics that suggest this “law” has an energetic and vibrational element.
There is agreement among science, medicine and metaphysics that certain frequencies can repel disease, and certain frequencies can destroy disease.
Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein
“It’s the principle that ‘like attracts like.’ What we put out into the universe, we receive back, because everything, even thoughts and feelings, carry a vibration,” says Emma Halley, a spiritual wellness coach.
“By believing that we’ve already achieved [our desires], we put a matching frequency and vibration out into the universe that will, in turn, attract it to us.”
- A 2005 review found that people with positive affect were more likely to enjoy increased levels of happiness and success.
- A 1970’s Russian research found that visualizing your desires increased the likelihood of them becoming a reality.
- A 2010 international review found that visualizing your desires increased the likelihood of them becoming a reality.
- A 2020 review of researchers from all over the world now conclude that properly performed visualization techniques may improve motor skills, grow muscle strength, decrease anxiety, increase self-confidence, and improve concentration.
Though scientific support is lacking, many people around the world believe in the law of attraction and use it in their daily lives.
Psychological facts about law of attraction

The LoA is all about psychology. Many people are convinced that it’s a magical method to create anything out of nothing, but those who advertise as such, miss an important point.
One of the most significant effect of the law is how it influences our behavior. The differences between who you are and who you wish to become, revolve mostly around your habits and behaviors.
Every year, the world is introduced to a new crop of millionaires. Every day, we see numerous people making money online and becoming wealthy in other ways. They all have common habits and behaviors. So, do you.
Your behaviors, habits, and actions brought you to where you are today.
To get to another level in life, you must change those behaviors, habits, and actions.
How habits effect your outcomes
- The subconscious mind controls 90% of our behaviors, habits, and actions.
- Researchers in the United States have investigated that when you drive, your subconscious mind handles most of the driving, people’s minds wander a lot – “some upwards of 70% of the time,” says Carryl Baldwin of George Mason University, who was involved in the study.
- Habits cause is to do the same actions every day without knowing it, such as the clothes you are wearing, the way you are eating or driving your car, etc.
- The habits that are most important to develop are those that will help you overcome bad feelings about yourself, your life, and self-sabotaging behavior patterns.
We make judgments without thinking more often than we would like to think. Those behaviors are under the control of what we BELIEVE to be true about ourselves. And, in fact, we have the ability to be right regardless of what we believe about ourselves.
How behaviour patterns effect outcomes
So if we change what we truly believe about who we are, we can begin to change behaviors, and in turn, those changes in behavior will be reflected in change in our lives.
- We notice things we would have ignored before. We ignore things that we now believe ‘do not apply’ to us.
- We take on the qualities of others in order to make things happen, as long as we feel it is important enough or who we want to become.
- Fake it until we make it. We act like the person we are thinking ourselves to be until we ultimately become that individual.
- When the brain and body are on the same page, when thought and action, belief and behavior, are one, you’re in synchronicity.
- Learning techniques to reprogram your subconscious mind helps you believe in yourself because your confidence level will no longer be challenged by the fear of the unknown.
- If a wealthy person is somehow convinced she/he does not deserve the wealth, that person will eventually act in ways that cause them to lose it.
Look at the concept of Self-image. It’s not just that you become who you see yourself becoming, when you apply emotion to that, it happens even faster.
When thought and action, belief and behavior, are one, you’re in synchronicity, but the concept of the self-image relates to the idea of visualization, which is a core concept in Law of attraction.
- Without a vision, as Solomon states in Proverbs 29, we would be lost in the dark on an endless road to ruin.
- According to the New York Daily News, 70 percent of lottery winners are bankrupt within seven years.
- According to a recent poll of NBA players who went on to earn million-dollar or more contracts, 95 percent of them were dead broke 5 years after retirement.
Law of attraction statistics

The law of attraction is not a scientific law, and therefore there are no statistics to support it. However, there is anecdotal and scientific evidence to suggest that the law of attraction works for some people.
There are many people who believe in the power of the law of attraction, and there are also many people who have had success with using the law of attraction to create desirable outcomes in their lives.
So while it’s impossible to know how effective the law of attraction is for everyone, there is certainly enough evidence to suggest that it can be a powerful tool for some people.
What is the success rate of law of attraction?
- According to and older statistic by LOA Expert John Assaraf of the Movie The Secret, the success rate is approximately 0.1%.
- Tim D. Ayila, a famous Law of attraction coach on Facebook wrote: My number was 5%, that’s why I delved into neuroscience approach where I now help my students reorganize their brains to reflect their goals for a speedy manifestation. LOA works wonderfully when brain and body are on one page…when thought and action, belief and behavior are one.
- While there is no one answer to this question, a study by the National Science Foundation found that about 25% of people who try law of attraction techniques report some success.
- According to a recent Poll in a Facebook group, 50% claimed to have 75% success rate, 40% claimed 100% success rate, and 10% claimed to have 25% success rate.

According to a Harvard Business study, goal setting and achieving success have some very interesting facts.
- 83% of the population does not have written goals
- 14% have a plan in their mind, but have no written goals
- 3% have their goals written down on paper
The 14% of individuals who have a plan in their mind are 10 times more likely to achieve them than those without written goals. The 3% with written goals are three times more likely to achieve their goals than the 14% without written goals. Because most individuals are not obtaining what they desire in life, it’s often because they are failing to decide or write down what it is that they truly want.
Goal-setting is not everything
There are a number of factors that determine whether or not someone will be successful with the law of attraction, including their mindset, their willingness to take action, how well they understand and implement the techniques. However, even if someone doesn’t see results immediately, it’s important to keep practicing and remain positive, as the Law of Attraction is often a process that requires time and patience.
How many students implement the law correctly?
If a person is disciplined in their actions, is patient and realistic in their expectations, they can expect success in due time:
- Do they have written goals*
- Their mindset
- How well they understand the techniques
- How well they implement the techniques
- Their willingness to take action
- How much time is required
- Are they patient or desperate
* according to a Harvard Business study, only 3% have written goals
Other Interesting law of attraction Facts & Statistics

- The ancient Greek philosopher Plato stated in 391 BC that “likes incline toward likes.” As you’re aware, this is next to the popular adage “like attracts like.”
- In the first unabridged edition of Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill employed the term Vibration 37 times. This word was removed from the book, as well as 100 pages that go through how to use vibration to materialize.
Resource links
Statistics and facts for this article were gathered from the following sources:
Subconscious Mind Power Explained, Brian Tracy
(Post & Wrisberg, 2012; Ungerleider & Golding, 1991).
Motor Imagery: Lotze, M., & Halsband, U. (2006). Journal of Physiology-paris, 99(4-6), 386-395, Science Direct
Increase the Odds of Achieving Your Goals, Harvard Business Study
Good Therapy
Understanding the Distracted Brain, Cognitive Distraction Paper
Highway Hypnosis, Research Gate
Mind wandering is common during driving, Science Daily
US National Library of Medicine/National Institute of Health
Everything in life is Vibration, Scientific Community Brazil
The Placebo Effect, and the Immune-Brain Connection, Knowing Neurons
Subconcious Driving, Science Fictional
Encyclopedia Visualization Sport
Without Vision, the People Perish,