In the next ten years, morning routines are going to change drastically. A study by global market research firm, Euromonitor International found that by 2022, over 55% of people will skip breakfast altogether.
That’s a big change from today where only 28% of people report skipping breakfast.
What does this mean for the way we live our lives?
Let’s take a closer look at the statistics and find out.
Do you want to know how people spend their time each day?
Check out these morning routine statistics!
These statistics show that most people spend about the same amount of time on different activities each day. However, there is a great deal of variation in how people spend their time.
Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, getting ready in the mornings may be a struggle.
Table of Contents
Key takeaways wake up
- 07:29 is the average amount of sleep people get in the western world
- The average American wakes up at 6:23am.
- 73% of respondents use an alarm clock of some kind, while 35% of them snooze their alarm at least once
- 63% say they either meditate or do some form of practice yoga, while 79% say they do some light exercise in the morning
- Almost two-thirds (68%) of Americans sleep in on weekends to replenish their energy levels
Key takeaways what they do
- 50% of men and women check their email immediately
- 63% open and check their phones immediately
- 55% Can easily follow their routine wherever they are in the world
- 37% of respondents state that they can follow the same routine even on weekends
Key takeaways getting ready
- The average person (56%) takes 11 to 30 minutes to get ready
- Only 2% take less than 5 minutes, and 3% take more than an hour
- With 21% of males taking more than 30 minutes to get ready, and 38% of females, there are more women than men who take this long
- Perhaps it’s because 16 percent of women use make-up every day and 32 percent most days
- In contrast, 15% of women never apply make-up, while 33% do so only on special occasions
- Only 2% of high school or less educated people take more than 10 minutes and 4% of college graduates take over an hour, which is only 2% for high school or lower
Summary of key takeaways
- According to the Harvard Business Review, the majority of people (97%) have a morning routine
- Highly productive people (92%) were more likely to have a planned morning routine
- The most important aspect of a person’s morning routine, according to 43 percent of Americans, is drinking coffee (32%), followed by exercising (32%) and showering (26%)
- More than 4 in 10 people who get a proper sleep at night reported lower-stress levels
What Is a Morning Routine?
Many people despise mornings. While some of you may be able to spring out of bed and get started on your tasks, most of us struggle. There’s no need for mornings to be unpleasant; all you have to do is establish a good daily routine.
Having a daily routine and morning routine has several advantages.
Your mind is continuously flooded with everything you need to accomplish from when you awake. This may appear to be so overwhelming that you lose time. A morning schedule, for example, entails repeating the same fundamental activities in the same order every day.
Are you laying the groundwork for a successful day from the start?
The habits that you establish for your daily routine will set you up for a successful day.
Whether you’re striving to be more productive, get healthier, or begin the day in a better mood, the secret key to success may not be as challenging to find as you think. The advantages of forming an effective morning procedure have been well recognized. Whether you want to try some of the more extreme morning activities of the super-rich or famous, creating your morning routine can help you reach your objectives.
The advantages of actually creating and maintaining a morning routine may be even more critical than ever before.
It can be challenging for people who continue to work remotely or hybrid to stay in practice with even the most basic morning activities.
When it’s easy to hit the snooze button a few more times and roll out of bed just when your day should begin, you may be doing more significant injury than you realize to your cognitive function and energy levels.
We asked Americans what kinds of morning routines they currently have and what ones are genuinely effective for them in the hopes of avoiding copying current trends.
We’ll go through which early morning activities make people feel the most productive throughout the day, what single activity individuals regard as the most essential to their morning routines, and how other variables (including job satisfaction and home cleanliness) might be affected by what we do when we get out of bed.
Roused and ready
Follow these examples to establish an effective morning ritual.
- Even though Jennifer Aniston gets up at 4:30 a.m. to drink hot water with lemon, Oprah Winfrey rises before 6 a.m. (even if she doesn’t use alarm clocks) to walk her dogs.
- According to a poll of over 1,000 individuals, 7 out of every eight people adhere to a regular morning procedure.
- Those who had a morning routine were also more likely to characterize themselves as highly productive (92%) than those who did not (79%).
What are the most popular morning habits that people have acquired since the COVID-19 epidemic?
- Just after waking up, 49 percent of respondents check their phones, followed by drinking water (42%), coffee consumption (42%), and a shower (37%).
- While checking your email or social media first thing in the morning may be enticing, mainly if your phone serves as both an alarm clock and a way to wake you up, studies show that early-morning phone usage can increase stress levels and reduce attention spans.
- People who said they checked their phones first in the morning were more likely to report a lack of productivity (53%).
- Water immediately following waking up was linked with coffee drinking and water consumption, yet it’s the H20 that has been found to enhance mood and cognitive performance in the morning.
Of course, feeling productive in the morning isn’t just about getting more done at work. Almost a third of individuals who claimed to be highly effective in the morning spent their mornings cleaning up around the house and getting a head start on their chores, such as doing laundry or feeding the dogs.
Benefits of an effective morning routine
Many people associate early mornings with a fresh cup of coffee. It may be tempting, mainly if you don’t always wake up feeling energetic and ready to go, to gravitate toward the most potent source of caffeine in your life — but this isn’t necessarily in your best interests. Coffee drinking, like everything else, is unhealthy; nevertheless, drinking it first thing in the morning boosts cortisol, which might negatively influence hormone balance, weight, and gut health.
- According to a recent poll, coffee is the most crucial aspect of people’s morning routine, followed by exercise (32%) and a shower (26%).
- Among those who are less productive, 48% said coffee was the essential element of their mornings, as did 53% of folks dissatisfied with their job.
- Exercise was the most prevalent component of morning routines for those who were satisfied with their employment (75%), felt they were highly productive (68%), and considered their house squeaky clean (69%).
If you’re considering working out first thing in the morning to burn calories, you’ll most likely get more out of it than a smaller waistline. Exercising, particularly in the early hours of the day, has been shown to make people more awake and energetic and help them concentrate.
- When it comes to stress, two-thirds of respondents rated their stress levels as low upon waking up,
- with showering first thing in the morning (47%) being higher than exercise (41%) and drinking coffee (43%).
- Almost half of the respondents who checked their phones after waking up said they had great stress.
You are setting yourself up for success
Establishing an effective morning routine isn’t only about what you do after getting out of bed; it may also be about doing things before going to sleep. Forty-four percent of respondents said they either always or frequently planned for their morning routine the night before, and more than 2 in 5 had lower levels of stress. 75% of those who prepared for the morning before going to bed reported being satisfied with their work, 60% felt they were productive, and 55% said their home was clean.
How can you get a head start on the following day before falling asleep?
The most common morning habits to get ready for include:
- Setting the alarm (63%).
- Planning or preparing what to wear the next day (40%).
- Looking at the following day’s calendar (32%).
- Setting up the coffee maker (26%) and packing a lunch (26%).
Those earning $66,000 and over (49%) were more likely to always or often prepare for their mornings the night before than those earning less than $66,000 (45%).
Maximizing your time
You should have a morning routine to get the most out of your day. According to our research, the habits you develop in the morning can help you feel more productive throughout the day, be happier with your job, be less anxious, and help you accomplish more around the house.
- Instead of reaching for the coffee cup when you get out of bed, consider taking a shower or taking a short walk around the block.
- Exercising is more likely to make you feel energized throughout the day and help with brain function.
Methodology and limitations
We conducted a poll of 1,016 individuals regarding their daily routines. There were 53% men and 46% women among them, with 1% declining to answer. Respondents’ ages ranged from 24 to 64 years old, with an average age of 38.
Outliers were eliminated for brief, open-ended inquiries. They were compelled to identify and correctly respond to an attention-check question to ensure that all participants completed the questionnaire seriously.
These statistics are based on respondents’ self-reporting and are only exploratory. Self-reporting can be problematic, as it may lead to exaggeration, selective memory, telescoping, attribution, and bias.
All values are subject to speculation.
Fair use statement
Are you already thinking about your to-do list for tomorrow? Share this research out for any noncommercial use with the inclusion of a link back to this page so that your readers can see our complete findings and survey methodology for themselves.
Science-Backed Benefits of a Morning Routine
Both mental and physical health benefits result from a regular morning routine.
1. Prepare for the Rest of Your Day by Getting Ready
The way you spend the day begins immediately after you wake up. If you start to feel rushed or lazy, anticipate it lasting throughout the day. On the other hand, a morning ritual helps you stay on track from when you wake up and puts you in a proper frame of mind.
2. Increase Your Productivity
You begin your day on the correct foot with a morning ritual. You devote every minute of your time to something meaningful and productive from the second you wake up.
Maintain this mindset throughout the day to minimize time waste. You’ll discover that you’re able to pay attention and are more likely to finish tasks rather than starting a lot of things and then quitting half of them. You’ll know you’ve reached all you could accomplish during the workday and can unwind at night without concerns once you’ve finished your job.
3. Feel in Control
When you have a lot of obligations, it may feel as if you’re rushing from one activity to the next. Your day begins to dominate you rather than the other way around. A morning routine, for example, might only encompass a tiny portion of your day, yet it may be a step in the right direction.
4. Lower Stress
Stress is likely when you don’t feel like you have enough time to complete all of your responsibilities or if you’re concerned about what has to get done next. You know precisely what you should be doing and what comes next when there’s a routine. You may do everything in your method without even thinking. Plus, you’ll know that you have plenty of time to finish everything without trying to hurry.
Stress can harm both your emotional and physical health, so reducing it is beneficial. It may lower your risk of developing depression, anxiety, and diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.
5. Develop Healthy Habits
Many of us may find ourselves skipping out on our morning routines. It’s easy to fall into hitting the snooze button or remaining in bed with your phone rather than getting up immediately. Bad habits and healthy ones are easier to form when you have a pattern. Before heading to work, you could start your day by eating a hearty breakfast, practicing mindfulness, or even making time for exercise.
Healthy practices will continue to influence your other activities. You may notice that you’re eating better, exercising more often, or wasting less time on your phone due to these healthy habits.
6. Boost Your Energy Levels
Many individuals despise mornings since their energy levels are low early in the day. A remarkable aspect of a morning routine is that it may improve your energy, especially if you set aside no time to be lazy and devote all of your attention to your planned activities.
If you want an extra boost of energy, do a high-intensity workout, meditation, or take a cold shower in the morning.
7. Improve Relationships
Various ways of performing simple activities, such as waking up and going to work, may impact your connections. One of the most significant is lowering stress levels. Even if the person has nothing to do with your problems, you may take out your frustrations on them. You’re less likely to snap at someone when you reduce stress.
Having a regular morning routine will also allow you to be more approachable to your family, essential for improving connections. You’ll have more free time with family members if you’re adequately organized.
Developing a morning regimen is critical for enhancing your interpersonal relationships. Your family or roommates will be able to adapt to your schedule if they know it in advance. There will be no disputes over who gets to use the restroom and no issues with two or more people trying to cook simultaneously.
8. Combat Forgetfulness
When you have the same daily routine, it’s considerably less probable that you’ll forget anything. You’ll go through getting ready for work without even thinking. It’s unlikely that you’ll arrive to work and realize you forgot something at home. There will also be a decreased chance of you failing to do an essential duty, such as taking the trash out or shutting your bedroom door so that your dog does not sleep on your bed.
9. Improve Your Confidence
It’s easier to feel more self-assured when you’re at ease and composed. Plus, better time management will result in more accomplishments, boosting your self-esteem.
Finally, allowing yourself adequate time for personal care in the morning can boost your self-esteem. There’s no need to rush when you set aside a portion of time just for personal care. You may spend quality time doing your hair and selecting clothes that make you feel fantastic.
10. Learn to Be Flexible
Your daily routine is only the beginning of your day. It’s natural for things not to go exactly as planned. Therefore you’ll need to adapt. Sticking to a regular morning ritual is lovely, but you’ll also need to learn to be flexible if something unexpected happens. Adapting your morning routine in response to such circumstances will teach you to be relaxed throughout your life.
How to Start a Morning Routine
Setting up a morning routine is simple. Make a quick timetable for the morning, which should start with your waking up. Experiment with the various ordering of events to discover what works best for you.
Morning Routine Examples of Successful People
Do you need some ideas for your daily routine?
Consider adopting some of these people’s morning routines.
1. Tony Robbins: Cold Plunge Pool
A cold shower is excellent for boosting your energy levels throughout the day, as we previously stated. Life coach Tony Robbins takes it further, plunging into a 57-degree Fahrenheit pool for a “significant change in temperature.” If you don’t have access to a plunge pool but have access to a cold shower, you’ll get the same result.
2. Tim Draper: Play Basketball
According to a venture capitalist, a basketball play is Mr. Draper’s first activity of the day. He claims that endorphins are released following action. To keep hunger at bay and stay focused, he naps for an hour before getting started on his day.
3. Muhammad Ali: Read Inspiring Content
Boxer Muhammad Ali would begin his day with inspirational quotations. He hypothesized that reading the same affirmations, again and again, would transform his ideas, resulting in a behavioral and mental transformation. You may do the same to get ready for success.
4. Dr. Nick Zyrowski: Meditation
Dr. Nick Zyrowski gets up 30 minutes before everyone else in his family to practice mindfulness. This puts him in the right frame of mind for the day, allowing him to make objectives.
5. Elle Russ: Mindfulness
Elle Russ, one of the world’s most famous female authors, knows the value of a morning ritual: she begins her mindfulness routine before bed. She takes a moment to stretch and be grateful for her body and health. Then she picks a goal for the day, stating it aloud to solidify it.
6. Payal Kadakia: Talk to Loved Ones
Payal Kadakia, the Founder of ClassPass, always chats with her spouse before heading off to work. She even makes an effort to contact him when she’s on the road. It ensures that her connection remains a top priority, no matter what else she has.
7. Arianna Huffington: Leave the Phone Alone
It’s also critical to avoid wasting time during your morning routine. Arianna Huffington, the co-founder of the Huffington Post, never checks her phone when she gets up in the morning. Instead, she approaches her day with a clear mind and a grateful heart, establishing an objective for it.
There’s no doubt that preparing your morning is beneficial — you have to examine the scientific advantages of a morning routine to be convinced. Furthermore, as you saw in the morning routines of famous individuals, there isn’t anything required to be overly complicated about it. But what’s the most excellent thing about having a habit? You may start one right now! Make a personal morning ritual and implement it tomorrow.
After you’ve developed your morning routine, it’s time to focus on a good daily routine, and other aspects of your life that require improvement. A possible following action is to improve your work-life balance.
You have learned about some important morning routine statistics.
Creating a strong morning routine can set you up for the rest of your day.
Having a great daily routine is also important for maintaining a good work-life balance.
What are some things you can do to help improve your daily routine?
1. Wake up earlier and take some time for yourself to relax and prepare for the day ahead
2. Make a list of things you need to do each day and try to stick to it as best you can
3. Organize your time so that you’re not rushed or stressed out all the time
4. Take breaks throughout the day to eat, drink water, and stretch
5. Find a hobby or activity that brings you joy and helps you relax
6. Get enough sleep every night so that you feel refreshed and energized the next morning

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.
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