by Petri Maatta

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Remember the movie the Secret?

The talk about the 3 steps:

  1. Ask
  2. Believe
  3. Receive

Manifestations happens because you have achieved a vibrational match with whatever it is that you want.

This vibrational match is achieved through the power of being in a state of gratitude.

In other words, if you are able to say the things that you are grateful for, but do not actually feel grateful for them, then you won’t get any results.

This is one of the primary reasons why so many people don’t achieve results, because they are just listing the things that they should be grateful for, but aren’t really feeling the gratitude.

Why Some People Struggle With Gratitude Exercises

Here are a few of the most common things that people struggle with when they are trying to  feel gratitude:

They are stressed and worrying.

They are experiencing feelings of doubt and fear that are consuming their minds, instead of letting the feelings of gratitude take over.

The actual act of trying to come up with things to be grateful just turns the focus to what they don’t have, as well as everything that isn’t as it should be in their life.

They feel as though they know what they want to feel grateful for but aren’t sure that they are actually experiencing those things in their life right now.

I understand that it may be difficult to feel grateful at times, especially if you just don’t believe that there is anything good happening in your life at the present moment.

However, you have to be able to get into a state of gratitude in order to avoid the struggles you are experiencing, even if all that you can think about are the struggles.

If you are having trouble feeling gratitude, here’s what you can do…

Try to understand that gratitude is something that should be felt, not thought.

When you start to get stuck and are focusing on what you don’t want in your life, this is the result of thought. Therefore, you have to get out of your mind and into your emotions.

I have 5 Gratitude exercises that can help you…

5 Gratitude exercises

Gratitude exercise #1:

Ask this powerful question:

“I am aware that I may not have anything that I can be grateful for at the moment, but if there was something that I could feel grateful about, what exactly would that be?”

This powerful question (and its answer) can enable you to get rid of the objections in your mind that are preventing you from feeling gratitude.

Gratitude exercise #2:

Take a look at the past:

Think about things that you are grateful for after the fact, even if they aren’t happening in your life at the moment.

This can help to remind you of the fact that there is so much to be grateful for, but we may miss out on feeling gratitude for it while it is occurring.

After this truth has been revealed to us, we can become aware of the  things that are currently in our life that we should be feeling grateful that we may have overlooked.

Gratitude exercise #3:

Take a look at the past again:
Think about a time when things weren’t going very well, but eventually you got out of the crisis and overcame the obstacles. Now, look at those difficult times and try to identify what you could have been grateful during that time and overlooked. Once you discover that you have felt this lack of gratitude before, but that there were actually things that you should have been grateful for, then open yourself up to new possibilities of gratitude now.

Gratitude exercise #4:

Look to others to set an example:
Take a look at friends or family members who are going through a tough time, and try to identify what they could be grateful for. You can then see that there must be things in your own life that you can feel gratitude for.

Gratitude exercise #5:

Look to others to set an example again:
Take a look at friends or family members who who have what you want. What are the things, that you think that they should be grateful for. List anything and everything you believe that they could be grateful for, and then ask yourself why. Also, determine which of the things are already in your life, even if it is to a lesser degree.

Use these 5 Gratitude exercises to help you stay on track and instantly heighten your energy vibrations.


Success…you did it!

You now know about the the 3 money blocks that may be hindering the flow of money into your life, as well as the 3 money attractors that open you up to all of the abundance that the universe has to offer.

Not to mention, that you are now already practicing the 5 Manifesting exercises every day, in order to raise your energetic vibration and become a magnet for money and whatever else you desire.

I want to ensure that you fully incorporate the rituals that I’ve outlined into your life permanently.

Then the opportunities are limitless, and the success that you can achieve is boundless!

How do we make sure that you make the rituals I’ve talked about a lifestyle, rather than just a practice?

Well, you will need to do 2 key things

Firstly, you will have to commit to always living at the highest energetic vibration level that is possible.

This also means that you are required to do whatever it takes to shift your vibrational level whenever you feel that it is getting lower.

You can do this by continuing to do these exercises every day, in as little as 30 minutes each.

The best part is that they can be a great start and ending to each day, and set you up for success for the following day.

Secondly, you will need to put the rituals into your schedule

Make sure to aside 15 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes right before you go to bed.

Commit to it, so that you and everyone else in your life can reap the rewards.

Everyone that you come into contact with will benefit from you doing these rituals consistently,  and they too will start seeing and feeling the results that it brings.

You aren’t going to need a reminder to do these rituals eventually.

Until then, however, you may have to remind yourself.

Remember, you are, essentially, changing your focus from negative manifesting rituals to positive ones,  and the power that is involved in that is  remarkable!

It is this immense power that opens the flow of more:

  • Money
  • Happiness
  • Success
  • Meaningful relationships
  • Health
  • Wonderful opportunities

and a life that almost seems to be aided by magic.

You have the power to change your life now!

I wish you the best of luck, and am so excited about the journey into success that you are now embarking upon!

Click here to read the whole gratitude training program.

petri maatta, CEO
Petri Maatta

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.

Read more About us or read My Story.


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