by Petri Maatta

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NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
  • Why do so many athletes employ visualization techniques?
  • Why are affirmations and incantations so popular in the health and fitness movement?
  • Why do the most successful business people seem to know things that others don’t?

It’s not just their swagger.

The answer may be something you’ve never heard of neuro-linguistic programming methodologies.

The difference between successful and those who aren’t is that successful people are willing to try things that unsuccessful people would pass over.

One such technique is NLP.

They’re a powerful approach to alter your perspective and live a better life, and you may start employing them right now.

What Is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?

What Is Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Neuro-linguistic programming aims to understand how our ideas influence our actions.

It examines the ways our brains process signals and how these interpretations impact what we do.

This is done through language, the linguistic component of neuro-linguistic programming techniques.

NLP provides us the tools we need to examine how our brains handle information and help us to conceive of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions as things that we may manage rather than events over which we have no control.

At the heart of NLP is one of Tony’s most fundamental convictions:

We can modify our thoughts, feelings, and actions by altering our focus – because where attention goes, energy follows.

While Richard Bandler and John Grinder invented NLP in the 1970s, it has been developed by numerous scientists, writers, and Tony Robbins himself.

Neuro-associative conditioning is a type of neuro-linguistic programming that Tony has incorporated into his system.

What Is NLP Used For?

What Is NLP Used For

NLP focuses on making behavioral adjustments, which can be utilized for a wide range of objectives.

NLP is used by mental health professionals alone or in combination with other types of therapy, such as talk therapy and psychoanalysis, to treat depression and anxiety.

It is also effective in treating anxiety disorders and other anxiety-related behaviors, such as panic attacks.

The therapist will seek to expose the client’s “map,” unproductive behaviors that make us feel trapped and then create a new map that replaces them with empowering habits and valuable tactics.

Neuro-linguistic programming can also benefit people who do not have a diagnosed mental illness but wish to improve their life.

Personal growth – a natural need that may provide happiness in our lives – is one of the essential things on Earth. NLP methods are particularly beneficial for developing public speaking, sales, and negotiation skills.

Neuro-linguistic programming and coaching go hand in hand because of their action-oriented nature and emphasis on development. Many coaches employ NLP techniques to assist their clients in reprogramming their brains and meeting their objectives.

Top 5 NLP Techniques

Because NLP techniques are action-oriented, they focus on how you may respond to your thoughts and emotions.

Rather than pondering the why in therapy, NLP considers the how. How can you react differently to your ideas and feelings?

How can you modify your communication style to fit the situation? How can you alter your perspective so that life is happening for you, not against you?

1. Imagery Training

Imagery training, also known as mental rehearsal, is one of the most well-known neuro-linguistic programming techniques based on visualization. It’s a linear and straightforward exercise for novices. The goal is to construct a vivid scenario of yourself acting correctly by presenting or perfecting your golf putting stroke. Try to imagine how you would appear: confident, determined, and at ease. Feel the confidence that radiates from you and the energy that surrounds you. Be as descriptive as possible. These NLP strategies are critical for instilling total belief in yourself and your skills.

2. NLP Swish

When you’ve mastered the basics, move on to more advanced NLP skills such as sway. First, imagine something you don’t want in your mind. Make it massive and bright. Then picture what you’d like to replace it with, making it tiny and dim. Reverse them now: make the image of what you desire come into view, becoming brighter and brighter. Create a sense of triumph. In the backdrop, replace the idea you don’t want with one that is gray and lifeless. Repeat this reversal three to five times until the desired effect is achieved. You’ll teach your brain to focus on the good aspects and ignore the bad.

3. Modeling

Modeling is one of the most popular NLP learning methods among successful entrepreneurs, athletes, and more. It’s based on the law of attraction — the notion that “whatever you think about and concentrate on, you bring it into your life.” You must surround yourself with individuals who have already achieved the success you desire and focus on modeling their behaviors to improve your life. You may look for a mentor, form a mastermind group, or follow the example of your boss or an admired executive. The more role models you have, the more effective this NLP technique will be.

4. Mirroring

According to the 7-38-55 Rule, only 7% of your message is delivered through words. Your tone of voice accounts for 38%, but your body language conveys 55% of your message. Mirroring is an NLP approach that exploits body language to establish immediate connections and rapport with anybody. When speaking with someone, match your body language to theirs. Match their energy level if they are high-voltage. If their posture is loose, reflect that. You may also modify the phrases you choose to match their vocabulary. Because you are just like them, others will instantly perceive you as more trustworthy –

5. Incantations

Incantations are a more potent form of affirmation, one of the most well-known neuro-linguistic programming techniques. A statement expressing your confidence in yourself and your objectives is an affirmation. Incantations go further by altering your words and your physiology to create a condition of total self-assurance.

Put another way, don’t just say what you’re talking about with all the passion you can; instead, make it a reality.

Tony first used Incantations when he was 17 – and he still employs them to this day.

Incantations are an effective method of changing your beliefs and strengthening them through NLP techniques such as incantations.

In a neuro-linguistic programming and coaching session, the practitioner may employ many methods.

The following are just a few techniques that may be used in a neuro-linguistic programming and counseling session. Neuro-linguistic programming begins with certain preconceptions that complement results coaching, including the notion that our experiences have meaning. Neuro-linguistic programming says: “Failure is feedback,” and if we learn from our mistakes, failure is worthwhile.

Most importantly, neuro-linguistic programming promotes a development mindset – that we can alter our lives by changing what we want.

We can do, have, and be anything we want.”

What is neuro-linguistic programming, and how does it work? It’s a behavioral technique that uses the power of reframing to assist people in overcoming their limiting beliefs.

A Results Coach can walk you through these methods and help you achieve a breakthrough in your own life.


We’ve come to the end of our list of the most effective NLP techniques ever created.

If you’re looking to improve your life or the lives of those around you, one (or more) of these techniques is sure to help. Remember that it takes practice to perfect any skill, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see results immediately.

With time and patience, you can become a master of neuro-linguistic programming and change your life for the better.

How will you use NLP in your own life?

petri maatta, CEO
Petri Maatta

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.

Read more About us or read My Story.


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