This is a complete negative mindset guide to help you stop it once and for all.
In this quick guide you’ll learn:
- How to deal with a negative mindset
- How to identify your negative thoughts
- Learn how to live with criticism
- And more
So if you’re ready to go “all in” to solve your negative mindset, this guide is for you.
Let’s dive right in.
Table of Contents
What exactly is a negative mindset?
Negative thinking can also lead to difficulties such as social anxiety, and sadness. Also, tension, and low self-esteem. The key to changing your negative ideas is to first understand how you think now (and the strategies you could use to change those thoughts or make them less impactful).
Our thoughts, emotions, and actions are all linked, so our thinking influences how and behave. So, even though we all have negative thoughts from time to time. It’s essential to know what to do when they appear so we don’t allow them to ruin our day. According to Rachel Goldman, Ph.D., a psychologist and clinical assistant professor at the NYU School of Medicine.
Although therapy can be beneficial in changing harmful ideas, you may also learn how to change your thought patterns. This post goes through some of the measures you can take to alter your negative thoughts.
Consider how you would react if a coworker or a grocery store employee looked at you with ill will. How would you respond? Would it be possible for you to just brush it off, like water off a duck’s back? Would you take it and get mad at yourself, or even get angry? You’re having negative thoughts if you turn little things into big issues that bother you for days, weeks, or even longer.
Negative thoughts can make you feel depressed and anxious. They drain the pleasure out of life, and they might have a detrimental impact on your physical health. That’s why it’s critical to understand how to deal with them.
How can you deal with a negative mindset?
Negative thoughts can be addressed in a variety of ways. Replace them with ideas that make you feel better, for example. Let’s assume you just found out that you have an ailment. You might tell yourself something like,” My life will never be the same,” or “This is the start of the end for me.” That may make you feel awful, and it will reduce the strength of your body at a time when you most need it.
The key is to address the stressor and identify areas where you might be able to improve so that you can feel less stressed. You may also tell yourself something like. “This will be a struggle for a while, but if I’m patient, I’ll learn to adapt and still enjoy my life.” Or “This is a setback for me, but I have the ability to overcome it if I give myself time.” This kind of attitude can boost your spirits and offer more optimism. It also helps your body in many ways.
Do you have any sentiments right now that might be negative? (It’s sometimes difficult to even recognize.) Take a moment to listen to your thoughts and see whether you have any. If you’re telling yourself something that makes you feel terrible, keep in mind: You are in control of what you tell yourself. So why not choose something more encouraging?
Practice Mindfulness and Self-Awareness
Meditation is where mindfulness originated. It’s the art of stepping outside yourself and viewing your thoughts and emotions as an outsider. Mindfulness may help you become more aware of your thoughts. Moreso, develop greater self-awareness through practice.
Mindfulness is all about altering your relationship with your thoughts. Try seeing your thoughts and emotions as passing objects that you might stop and look at or let go of.
The goal of mindfulness is to gain control over your emotional reactions by allowing the analytical aspect of your brain to take over. It’s been suggested that the practice of mindfulness might help you use thoughts well.
According to a study, individuals who engaged in a mindfulness practice had fewer negative thoughts after being exposed to bleak imagery. Also, suggesting that mindfulness may securitize the influence of negative thinking.
Identify Your Negative Thoughts
As you study your ideas, concentrate on comprehending and labeling cognitive errors and negativity.
A person who believes he or she is a success or failure in every circumstance, for example, is engaged in “black-and-white” thinking. Negative thought patterns include:
- Jumping to conclusions: This distortion entails forming assumptions about what others are thinking. Besides, making negative expectations of how future events will play out.
- Catastrophizing: Negative thinking, in this case. It is defined by expecting the worst possible scenario to play out without considering more probable and workable outcomes.
- Overgeneralization: When people make comparisons between their prior and current experiences. It’s typical for them to do so. This way of thinking creates an inclination to apply what occurred in one situation to all future encounters. This might cause unpleasant events to seem unavoidable, which can lead to anxiety.
- Labeling: Labeling oneself negatively has a psychological impact on how people feel about themselves in various situations. Someone who identifies himself or herself as “bad at math.” He or she may be unhappy about tasks that rely on that ability.
- “Should” statements: Thinking what you “should” be doing might lead to a pessimistic attitude. Such statements are unrealistic, and cause individuals to feel defeated. Moreover, discouraged about their chances of success.
- Emotional reasoning: Emotional reasoning occurs when you assume something is true based on your emotional reaction to it. If you’re apprehensive, for example, emotional logic might suggest you’re in danger. This can lead to an increase in anxiety and unpleasant emotions.
- Personalization and blame: Taking things personally, even when they aren’t personal. It is a common mindset that may manifest as pessimism. It causes individuals to feel responsible for events beyond their control.
Thinking styles that are unhelpful differ in small ways. Yet, entail distortions of fact and illogical ways of viewing situations and people.
This phase, according to Goldman, is all about recognizing and labeling unpleasant ideas. “Now that you’ve observed the thought, you can identify it as an unhelpful idea,” she adds. Simply observe it and label it,” she advises.
She encourages us to accept the idea for what it is rather than push it away. Remind yourself that it’s just a thought, not a fact.
Replace Negative Thoughts
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) necessitates the application of cognitive restructuring. This procedure aids you in discovering. Moreso, transforming harmful thoughts into more beneficial and adaptive responses.
Consider the evidence that supports or refutes your belief. This can help you challenge negative thinking and look for options that are more useful and realistic.
Even if you’ve never studied thought reform, it’s easy to grasp when you see the book in action. While this approach may be difficult to comprehend at first, with time and practice. Moreso, positive and rational thoughts will come more easily. Cognitive restructuring can assist you in challenging your beliefs by leading you through phases such as:
- Consider whether the notion is realistic.
- Consider what has happened in the past when individuals have faced similar problems. Also, check whether your beliefs are on track with reality.
- Challenge the notion and search for alternative answers.
- Consider the advantages and disadvantages of believing the thought.
- Recognize whether your idea is the consequence of cognitive distortion, such as catastrophizing.
- Consider what you’d say to a buddy if you had the same notion.
To help battle the detrimental thoughts patterns linked with sadness. Try to focus on the positive, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Consider if there is anything beneficial in your current scenario.
Yet, Goldman advises against replacing negative ideas with optimistic ones. If the replacement ideas are not realistic, they will be ineffective.
According to Goldman, if you find yourself thinking things like “I’m a loser,” “I’m going to fail.” Else, any other similar negative thought, it’s best not to replace them with anything optimistic.
“Rather than removing it, you should replace it with something more neutral that also exhibits self-compassion like ‘I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do it. But, I’m doing my best,’ ” she adds.
According to one study, a single cognitive re-structuring treatment helped people end self-critical thoughts. Moreover, preconceptions contribute to anxiety.
Avoid Thought Stopping
Mindfulness is the polar opposite of thought-stopping. It’s about keeping an eye out for negative ideas and forcing them to go away.
The main drawback of thought-stopping is that the more you try to suppress your bad ideas, the more they resurface. This is called thought rebound. Mindfulness is preferable since it places less emphasis on your thoughts and has a lesser influence on you as a result.
According to psychologists, the rebound of ideas that occurs after attempting to end catastrophic ideas is far more harmful. Instead, most psychologists advocate utilizing methods to tackle the terrible beliefs more directly.
Practice Coping With Criticism
Another component of CBT that some people with social anxiety may find useful is the “assertive defense of the self.” It refers to something called “cognitive defensiveness.”
Because it’s workable that some of the time, people will be critical and condemning toward you. You’ll need to be able to accept rejection and criticism.
This is generally done in therapy with a pretend conversation between you and your therapist. The aim is to help you get greater assertiveness. You then apply these skills in the real world through homework exercises.
For example, having a list of assertive responses prepared when targeted with criticism in person. This may assist you to deal with these anxiety-inducing situations. Furthermore, according to this approach, real-world encounters are encouraged as an opportunity to put the lesson into action.
The process of providing offerings with conscious intention can also help people relax and unwind. According to some studies, dealing with “social blunders” that contribute to anxiety and negative thinking might also be beneficial. The aim of boost your tolerance for the discomfort caused by criticism. Also, rejection is to help you develop a larger capacity to deal with these things.
Use a Thought Diary
Thought diaries, also known as thought records, are a kind of journal that may be used in any therapy to cure negative thinking. Thought diaries aid you in recognizing negative thought patterns. Also, gain a deeper understanding of how your thoughts elicit your emotional responses.
An idea diary entry, for example, may describe a person on a date’s thought process. And the emotional and physical consequences of negative thinking habits. You can replace self-doubtful thoughts about being rejected with more beneficial ideas. Also, realistic ideas at the conclusion of your thought analysis.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are negative thoughts?
Negative thoughts include unfavorable ideas about yourself, situations, or other people. They can have an impact on your mood and a symptom of certain mental illnesses. “I’ll never be good enough,” “They must believe I’m stupid for stating that,” “That issue is bound to go badly.” are some examples of negative thinking.
Why do I have negative thoughts?
Negative ideas are quite prevalent. You may have negative thoughts because we are more influenced by negative than positive thinking, or because of a negativity bias. It’s also conceivable that speaking, negative thinking was more beneficial to survival. Negative ideas can be caused by cognitive errors. They might be indicators of mental illness such as sadness and anxiety.
If you have persistent negative thought patterns that are affecting your life. Consider consulting a mental health professional. While it may be difficult to express your sentiments with someone. Also, mental health professionals can examine your harmful thinking patterns. Moreover, assist you in developing a more positive internal dialogue.
The process of transforming harmful ideas isn’t a quick procedure. “This isn’t simple, and it will take time, but with practice, it gets easier and you can develop new automatic thoughts that work for you.

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.
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