Do you currently follow a morning routine that includes hitting the snooze button four times and exiting the house five minutes later while putting on your shoes and eating a protein bar while checking email on your phone?
Our entire day may seem like we’re always rushing to catch up, never feeling on top of our game or very productive from there.
We know that we can do better!
Many of us are preoccupied, have a lot of duties and responsibilities, and feel pressed for time daily.
Having a fantastic morning routine might make a difference in being:
- Productive
- Achieving goals
- Feeling organized
and performing (almost) everything with confidence.
Table of Contents
6 Good Reasons to Set A Morning Routine
The morning routine is notorious for being a dealbreaker for individuals who have productive days.
In terms of productivity and success, forming a good morning routine can be a dealbreaker for sales and leadership professionals in specific sectors.
- Although not all of us are in sales or have leadership responsibilities at work, we are all made to be leaders of our own lives. This includes giving oneself the most excellent chance of feeling confident and productive every day.
- According to productivity coaches, daily routines might signify higher productivity and success. Although coaches have various ideas on the kinds of daily habits to include, most feel that how we start our day has a significant impact on how the rest of the day appears.
- Creating a morning routine isn’t about competing to see who can do the most or check the most boxes. It’s all about having self-assurance, serenity, and a good mood as you start your day.
Starting the day, this method may help us effectively complete chores and handle things that come our way without constantly being anxious or overburdened.
1. Physical and Emotional Benefits
According to academics from Harvard Business School and Stanford University, workplace stress may be just as harmful to one’s health as secondhand smoke.
2. Physical and Emotional Connection
Feeling well physically can have an impact on how we feel emotionally.
We don’t generally walk around with a grin on our faces or are overly optimistic when we’re sick.
In addition, how we feel about our day can impact our emotional health.
When we are always in a hurry and attempting to keep up with all of our responsibilities, continually running late, or feeling pulled between many activities, we may quickly become overwhelmed, stressed, unhappy, and irritated.
Over time, if this were a continuous situation, we could start to feel defeated since we’ll never be able to catch up!
A feeling of calm and confidence in our everyday life may assist us in maintaining good emotional health and helping us become more resilient during challenging periods.
3. Relationships
When we feel overwhelmed and stressed, our emotions can quickly emerge in our relationships with important people in our lives. Have you ever come home from a long, difficult day and vented your frustrations on a loved one? This might be done through venting, fury, or even distant isolation from those we care about.
4. Productivity
In the morning, we can set the tone for the day by getting up and doing something.
We may better focus on what’s in front of us, where to prioritize our time, and ultimately increase our productivity by starting each day new.
Productivity may be defined as the degree to which we are accomplishing tasks. The quality and intention we give to activities are sometimes more significant than how much work we accomplish during the day.
Completing ten half-completed items at the end of the day feels significantly different from finishing six tasks and feeling proud of your efforts.
5. Confidence
To be confident is more than just stating, “I like me.” Experiences are the key to absolute confidence. Self-efficacy is a term that refers to our confidence in our ability to achieve goals and finish chores. It’s distinct from self-esteem, which measures how satisfied we are with ourselves because it focuses on our belief in our abilities rather than our feelings of self-worth.
Walking through activities in our day and witnessing ourselves accomplish tasks and gain a sense of accomplishment helps boost our self-efficacy. Having a morning routine allows us to set the stage for better prioritizing, more effective time management, and increased production. All of this is likely to have a beneficial impact on our self-confidence.
6. Peace of mind
Stress can harm our emotions, health, careers, and relationships. Not feeling as if we can complete chores or feel as if we are always behind causes a lot of stress. Our self-efficacy is low, which may lead to negative self-talk and feelings of distress and overwhelm.
A good, consistent morning routine might allow us to practice intentional awareness and prayer during our day, resulting in feelings of greater calm. Feeling productive throughout the day may help us sleep better the next night and wake up refreshed.
Beneficial Morning Routine Strategies
The following ideas can assist you in establishing an effective morning routine. See also morning routine statistics.
Give Yourself Time
Don’t snooze! It’s difficult, especially at the start, not to go back to old habits and hit the snooze button so you can lay in bed a little longer. A healthy morning routine allows you enough time to enjoy your morning ritual fully—and profit from it!
It will take you anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes, on average. It’s been said that you must get up at 4 a.m. to have a decent morning routine. According to productivity experts, you need to listen to yourself and figure out what would be realistic to accomplish and maintain. Don’t worry about what others are doing; there’s no need for it.
Move Your Body
If you’re using a lousy morning routine, it’s time to change. Your typical daily procedure may have been to wake up and immediately go for your phone, spend 45 minutes in bed browsing Instagram or even check emails for work. Productivity expert Jim Collins advises that rather than concentrating all of our attention on what we should add to our day, we should consider things we might “stop doing.”
If we take time away from the screen, we may use it for standing up, loosening our muscles, doing yoga, or even a brief walk. Any movement in the morning will be preferable to resting on social media! We are actively preparing our muscles and minds for activity.
Practice Stillness
Sitting still is just as essential in the morning as physical movement. Michael Hyatt, the former CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers and best-selling author, entrepreneur, and professional coach claims that practicing stillness might help us start the day on the right foot.
This can include anything from meditation, breathing, and prayer to more active activities such as yoga. This might be part of your morning routine. Stillness may help us feel more grounded, focused, and ready to prioritize our tasks. If we skip this step, we may keep ourselves feeling driven and less productive throughout the day, which is the whole purpose of establishing a solid morning routine!
Both beginners and seasoned meditators sometimes lack control over their minds. When we are unable to control our thoughts and emotions, it can lead to difficulties with money management, relationship issues, or other problems that a mindful approach might help us avoid. Stillness helps us reset and be fully present in the moment. We aren’t entirely present when we’re checking emails, browsing Instagram, or multitasking—and this can cause anxiety. Practicing stillness (or even meditation and breathing exercises), as well as setting the tone for the day to feel calm, relaxed, and in command
Fuel Properly
We’ve all heard the adage that a good day begins with a healthy breakfast since we were youngsters. Our body’s initial feeding influences our physical health and energy levels, and mental attitude throughout the day.
We don’t feel our best, find our energy levels peaking and crashing through the day, and feel unbalanced if we eat food with little or no nutritional value. A healthy breakfast allows us to nourish our bodies properly, which may lead to more constant energy levels and a greater sense of alertness and concentration.
Review Your Day
Take an intentional look at your day as you wrap up your morning routine. Rather than allowing your schedule to control you, reviewing your day with intention allows you to maintain control of your schedule.
It’s important to remember that not every task has the same value. Be honest with yourself about the significance of particular activities, and keep in mind that not everything can be a top priority. We may feel as if we can’t operate without becoming overwhelmed, but the truth is that we won’t be able to function effectively unless we prioritize certain things.
It’s advised that you concentrate on one thing at a time, according to productivity coach and entrepreneur Tor Refsland. It can be beneficial to focus on one thing at a time. Make a decision where your energy and efforts should go, do it, then move on to the next step. Attempting to handle several activities simultaneously might impair your time management skills, lead to low productivity, and cause burnout.
Creating Your Personal Routine
Use the guidelines below to construct your ideal morning routine:
Be Flexible
Let go of any preconceived notions about how you should construct and execute a routine every morning. You are not seeking perfection in this new habit; instead, you want to focus on putting intentional energy into developing a morning rut that works best for you.
Flexibility entails being able to adapt and alter, recognizing what works well and being prepared to let go of what doesn’t. Remember that you’re creating a morning routine to be more productive and calm, not because you want to endure even more stress!
Be Consistent
The most valuable habits are those that we can keep up with regularly. Don’t worry if you’re unfamiliar with “morning routine,” don’t worry. Consistency will help your regimen feel more natural over time if you practice it.
As you see the benefits of a positive morning routine in your daily life, you will be inspired to continue practising it. It will no longer feel like something you “should” do but rather something you look forward to doing. If you skip a day, jump right back in the following one. This is not about achieving perfection; it’s about allowing yourself to live your best possible life.
Take Charge of Technology
Despite our best intentions to avoid technology from taking over, it frequently gets in the way or is unavoidable. Don’t stress about giving up your phone as an alarm clock since that won’t work. You could most certainly use your phone as an alarm!
What you’re aiming to achieve instead is reclaim control of your technology. According to time management expert Craig Jarrow, allow the technology to function for you and make use of it as needed. You determine how your technologies, in particular, will impact your daily routine.
Allow yourself to put those limits back in place so you may refocus on the goal of developing a sound morning routine if you find yourself allowing aimless screen time to disrupt your daily routine.
Plan at Night
Although we’re discussing the importance of developing a nice morning routine, it’s a good idea to get started early. If there are small things you can do the night before to make your morning run smoother, go ahead and perform them. Laying out your clothes for the next day, preparing your breakfast meal ahead of time, or packing lunch in advance are simple ideas that may help you start your day on a better note. Your future self will be grateful!
What If I’m Not a Morning Person?
Although it’s unnecessary to be a morning person to establish an excellent morning regimen, you have to be one. The way you create your morning routine is entirely up to you, and it will be based on what motivates you and what you feel capable of maintaining over time. A daily procedure doesn’t help much if it only lasts for a few days.
The tone of the rest of your day is established in the first few hours of your waking existence.
Efficiency is inevitable as a result of morning rituals since they eliminate the decision-making process and save you time and energy. Many of the world’s most renowned, inventive, and successful individuals rely on their morning rituals to make sure that their days are as productive and successful as possible.
If you don’t want to accept your morning wake-up call and snooze, take a lesson from the following habits in order to form a better habit.
10 Morning Routines Highly Successful People Swear By
1. Commit to a morning ritual
Make it a practice to light a candle, hug your partner, or wash your face—whatever you do in the morning, make it a ritual that signifies the start of a new day and a fresh start. Twyla Tharp is an advocate for rituals for both productivity and accountability. She describes her daily routine in The Creative Habit, which starts with waking up at 5:30 a.m., getting ready for her workout, and requesting a taxi to take her to the gym.
“The cab isn’t the stretching and weight training I do every morning at the gym; it’s the ritual. When I give directions to the driver, I’ve completed the ritual. It’s a straightforward action, but doing it in the same way each day makes it routine—and repeatable. It lowers the likelihood that I’ll skip it or perform it differently. It’s one more procedure in my arsenal of routines and one less thing to worry about. ”
Marie Kondo, the creator of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, has her ritual. She adds, “When I get up, I open all the windows to let fresh air in before burning incense.” “I try to keep my home pleasant and energetic throughout the day to keep me on track, so beginning my morning with these rituals helps me stay on track.”
2. Clear your head
There are several reasons why successful people start their day with meditation: Meditation can help you relax and decrease stress and enhance self-awareness and focus. It’s no surprise that so many CEOs have incorporated the practice of mindfulness into their daily routine. Away’s co-founder, Jez Sanberg, begins his day with meditation before he does a workout. Arianna Huffington, the creator of Thrive Global, located in New York City’s WeWork headquarters, incorporates mindfulness into her daily routine for 20 to 30 minutes every morning. Before going for a six-mile run, former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey spends 30 minutes practising spirituality.
3. Sweat
Anna Wintour, the editor-in-chief of Vogue, begins her day with an hour-long tennis session. It’s a very wise decision. According to research from the University of Bristol, individuals who exercised regularly had more incredible energy and a more positive attitude than nonparticipants. Morning exercise can help you maintain mental clarity throughout the day. “Exercise stimulates the release of neurotransmitters that improve attention and concentration,” claims exercise psychologist Jasmin Theard. “You’ll feel accomplished as well as revitalized and recharged.” When he was president, Barack Obama included exercise into his workday, bench-pressing weights and doing cardio before walking to the Oval Office.
Mellody Hobson, the president of Ariel Investments, uses a variety of exercises in her mornings. She may go for runs, weight lifting, swimming, or cycling before taking a bath as part of her exercise routine. “My bath time is significant personal time for me,” she told CNBC. “I have a bath every morning to unwind and de-stress. I run faster on the return leg when I’m running outside in Chicago on chilly days because I’m thinking about my bath.”
4. Practice gratitude
Marie Kondo doesn’t go into a particular folding session after she burns incense at home. Instead, she cultivates thankfulness. According to her book, she prays for her family and coworkers’ health and vows to do everything she can that day. This stage comes only afterwards when she’s written out her daily tasks.
The wealth of a family is not measured in terms of money but by the love we create, the laughter we enjoy, the meals we share, the dreams we experience, and the aspirations we realize.
In addition, appreciation is a part of Oprah’s morning routine. According to Harper’s Bazaar, after brushing her teeth and walking her dogs, she reads five cards from her 365 Gathered Truths box. This box provides bits of inspiration intended to inspire you with an item on her 2014 “Favorite Things” list. “It’s a lovely way to start your day,” Oprah said to Bazaar. Is there an example of a message from the box that you could use? “Dollars and cents do not define wealth; it’s measured by the love we create, the laughter we enjoy, the meals we share, our dreams we experience, and our aspirations.”
5. Rise with the sun (or even before it)
A 2008 research published in The Journal of General Psychology found that early risers procrastinate less than night owls, with a later alarm clock. Early birds tend to be productive early in the morning. Apple CEO Tim Cook, for example, emerges from beneath the covers at 3:45 a.m. to go through email before his 5 p.m. workout appointment with the gym, just as Virgin Group founder and chairperson Richard Branson rise at a little less ungodly hour—about 5 a.m.—to exercise and spend some time with his family does Branson (2015).
“I’ve always been an early bird,” he says on a Virgin blog. “Over the course of my 50-year career, I’ve discovered that getting up early allows me to accomplish so much more in a day, and therefore in life.” Branson continues, “The time before most people around the world log on gives me the chance to read the news and respond to emails. These first few hours provide me with the chance to begin each day with a new and tidy slate.”
6. Read a book
Many individuals are aware that reading before going to sleep may assist relax the mind and preparing the body for sleep. However, what you hear far less about are the advantages of incorporating reading into your daily routine. Consider reading a book or an essay instead of surfing social media in the morning. You get the same benefits as reading first thing in the morning. According to a study from the University of Sussex, just six minutes of reading can lower stress levels by up to 68 percent. There’s also evidence that reading improves the cognitive activity in the brain, which is an effective way to prepare for daily challenges. It’s no surprise that Bill Gates and Barack Obama begin their days with a book.
7. Journal
Writing can amaze. Research conducted in New Zealand discovered that people who spent 20 minutes writing freely three days in a row after undergoing a biopsy for medical necessity healed faster than a control group. Why not start your day with journaling? Other studies have revealed that practising mindfulness helps to reduce stress and anxiety, boost job performance, and assist individuals in managing distressing events. It’s easy to understand why Warren Buffett, Richard Branson, and Arianna Huffington recommend this technique.
All kinds of exercise are incorporated into Mellody Hobson’s mornings at Ariel Investments. Running, weight lifting, swimming, and cycling are all possibilities, and they always lead to a bath. “I consider my daily bath an important personal time,” she says in an interview with CNBC. I take a bath every morning and use the opportunity to unwind and relax while running outside on cold days in Chicago.
8. Drink water
It may seem insignificant, but having a glass of water in the morning might make a substantial difference. Water is essential to one’s health because it removes waste from the body, maintains proper body temperature, lubricates and cushions joints, and protects sensitive tissues. Because our bodies can become dehydrated overnight. A glass of water in the morning has also been found to help you eat fewer calories throughout the day, enhance your mental performance, improve the appearance and health of your skin, and even jump-start your metabolism.
This evidence has convinced celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Beyoncé to extol the advantages of drinking water. “Every night, I fill up a big glass bottle with water and put it on my bathroom counter before going to bed,” said actress Cameron Diaz in a 2014 Marie Claire interview. “I drink it first thing when I wake up.” It’s no wonder that celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Beyoncé have all stated the benefits of drinking water. In a 2014 Marie Claire interview, Camilla Diaz made it clear: “Every night before bedtime, I fill up a large glass bottle with water and place it on my bathroom counter. Right after brushing my teeth at breakfast
9. Eat a real breakfast
A healthy breakfast can help you power through the day. While the science behind the benefits of water is more well-researched than that of breakfast, many accomplished people have made it a highlight of their morning routine. Breakfast for Kelly Ripa is simply coffee, yoghurt, and granola, whereas Barack Obama opts for eggs, potatoes, wheat toast and his other food items.
If you don’t have a lot of time, a smoothie is an excellent alternative. Reese Witherspoon revealed her daily green smoothie recipe in 2020. John Mackey, the creator of Whole Foods Market, enjoys breakfast with a green smoothie. Toast is also a popular option for Idris Elba. Finding your ideal morning routine might be beneficial, no matter how simple or complicated it is.
10. Make a to-do list
Making a day-by-day plan of what needs to be completed can help prepare your mind for the coming day. To-do lists aren’t for everyone, but successful people like Michelle Obama and Richard Branson are big fans of carefully planning each day’s tasks. A significant advantage of list-making that both these leaders highlight is the ability to block out time to plan and look after yourself. “Far too many individuals are weighed down with doing rather than thinking and feeling,” Branson once observed.
Whether you’re running a business, working on a creative project, or attempting to make an impact at your job, these morning rituals may help you get off to a good start and achieve success.
It’s up to you to pick the best morning routine for you. Michelle Obama puts it best when she says, “Only meaningful and enjoyable success is genuine if it feels like yours.”
Want to be successful?
Follow the morning routines of some of history’s most successful people.
From waking up early to taking care of themselves, these tips will help you start your day off on the right foot.

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.
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