This is a complete mindset shift guide to help you live your dream life.
In this quick guide you’ll learn:
- How to learn to believe in yourself
- Gain confidence in your beliefs to be able to achieve
- Learn how to live in the now
- And more
So if you’re ready to go “all in” with mindset shifts, this guide is for you.
Let’s dive right in.
Table of Contents
Do you have a significant desire or ambition for your life?
Are you unsure how to get there or what may prevent you from doing so?
It’s likely your attitude.
There is one unifying theme to many ideas about living your ideal existence: your mind, attitudes, and way of thinking outweigh everything else.
I asked Steph Purpura, Co-Founder of Powerful U, what issue she felt was most crucial in personal development and growth; she responded, ‘mindset.’
The way you choose to see things is known as your mindset
When you have an open and optimistic attitude, you’re better able to recognize potential in any scenario.
When you enter a situation with a closed or negative mindset, you are preventing yourself from experiencing the most terrible aspects of it.
Negativity limits your prospects whereas optimism opens them up.‘
In his TED presentation, Happiness Psychologist Shawn Achor reveals, ‘It’s not always the actuality that defines us; it’s the lens through which your mind sees the world.’ ‘One of the first things I’ve learned is that happiness isn’t found in the outside world, but rather in your brain’s interpretation of events,’ says Moszkowicz.
‘We can shift our formula for happiness, and we can affect reality if we change our idea of success and accomplishment.’
The tale we tell ourselves is the one that our mind accepts. Our view determines our reality. Our expectations shape our results.
The most straightforward approach to live the life of your dreams is to alter your perspective. The issue now becomes, “How?” How do you modify your underlying ideas and thought processes?
Here are nine thoughts that may help you realize your goals.
1. Believe in Yourself
From “I’m not enough” to “I am wonderful,” it’s one step forward.
So much of what holds people back is an underlying belief that they don’t measure up. Also, one of the most prevalent beliefs? You’re not good enough, you don’t deserve to be loved, and you aren’t worthy.
Even the most successful people who have achieved everything they had always desired still struggle in their minds and emotions. Steph, for example, talks about her most significant mental shift: learning to question what she had told herself her entire life.
At the age of eight, she was sexually assaulted. She remembers standing in front of the mirror and telling herself how filthy, ugly, and terrible she was. She held herself responsible for what happened and kept it a secret until she was an adult. She spent her life telling herself untruths about herself, believing them wholeheartedly. She was able to speak her truth only after she questioned the lies and changed her life.
You believe you aren’t enough for whatever reason; know this: You are plenty unique, valuable, and deserving of love and happiness. It isn’t by chance that you have arrived on this planet at this particular moment. You weren’t a mistake. There is only one of you, and what you offer to the world is needed.
You are a one-of-a-kind individual. That is your greatest strength.
You are enough. You may not be ready to accept this yet, but some part of you already knows it to be true.
Make the Shift
- The inner critic must be recognized and silenced. What are the subconscious reasons for not feeling “enough”? Is the inner critic your voice or that of a parent or authority figure? What story are you telling yourself that is untrue? This might need deep soul searching, including psychotherapy, coaching, or counseling.
2. Empower Yourself
From “I don’t have a choice” to “I’m always free to choose.
How many times have you felt confined or that you had no alternative?
Never let anything or anybody determine how you think, feel, and act – no matter the situation. You may not have control over the circumstances, and life will almost certainly bring its own set of problems and challenges. The most important thing you can do is manage your mindset and attitude.
My favorite account of this transformation is Victor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning. Victor Frankl was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who escaped the Nazis during the Holocaust.
He discusses in his book how he survived as follows:
‘The last of human freedoms – to pick one’s attitude in any given situation, and to pursue one’s own route – can be taken from us but only one thing: the capacity to choose one’s bearing in every scenario.”
Indeed, we all can choose our situations when faced with difficult and inexplicable circumstances.
Make the Shift
- Choose. Recognize your options when you find yourself in a position where you have few alternatives. What alternatives do you have? You may either complain or take action. Choose to improve or accept your situation. Take one step forward or two steps back. Decide to speak up or keep silent. Choose to look ahead or continue looking backward. Choose love rather than hatred and anxiety. So, what will you choose?
- Identify what you are in control of. When things are – or appear to be – out of our hands, there’s a lot of pressure, aggravation, anxiety, and fury. When you feel powerless, take a step back and figure out what you can control. It might be one small thing or a change in your energy or approach.
3. Believe That Its Possible
From “It is impossible” to “It is possible.”
You are correct if you believe you can or whether you think you can’t. – Henry Ford
You won’t get very far until you genuinely believe that you can perform something. As a result, if you want to live your ideal existence, you must first think it is feasible.
People thought it was physically impossible to run a four-minute mile for many years. They said the human body was unable and that your heart would burst.
In the 1940s, someone ran it in 4:01 for nine years.
Then, in May 1954, Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute barrier by running a mile in 3:59.4. This wasn’t accomplished just by hard work and training. He was confident he could do it. He trained by thinking about how he wanted to feel afterward.
It took less than six weeks for Australian John Landy to run it in 3:58.
More people started achieving what has previously thought impossible every year after. Now, more than 1,400 runners have completed the 4-minute mile.
When Barrister shattered the notion that others had of what was conceivable, it opened up people’s minds to believe the same thing.
They couldn’t, they couldn’t, and they could when they thought they couldn’t.
That is also true for each of us. Do you believe your vision of a perfect life is achievable? You are already halfway there if you think it’s possible! However, the probability of you realizing your goals diminishes significantly if doubt or skepticism resides in your mind.
Make the Shift
- Change your language. Shift your thinking from There’s no way to There’s always a solution. From It doesn’t work to How can we make this succeed? When you’re having trouble finding issues, think of it as a step closer to achieving your objective. “I discovered 10,000 methods not to create a lightbulb,” Edison is renowned for saying. Each failure propelled him closer to his ultimate goal.
- Visualize the outcome. Your brain believes what you show and tell it; if you can picture it occurring, Banister’s conclusion will hold for you. Imagine your ideal existence as if it were already real. What do you see, hear, or sense? Put yourself in that mindset.
- Have a little confidence and belief in the face of logic’s shortcomings.
4. Believe in the Good
From “looking for the bad” to “looking for the good”
When everything is falling apart, everything may be falling into place. – Tony Robbins
In a variety of ways, people may acquire faith in the superior. The world and individuals are examples.
Let’s begin with the rest of the world. Confirmation bias studies have shown that we notice what we’re searching for. People often (often unconsciously) seek evidence that confirms their current beliefs. You’ll discover goodness if you’re looking for it. If you’re searching for what’s wrong with the world or whether the world is out to get you, don’t be surprised if you find it.
Instead, what if you genuinely believed that everything was for your most significant benefit? Even if it doesn’t appear that way. What if you thought things were going exactly as they should and that the world/universe/God had your back?
People are complex creatures who often have many motives. So, let’s look at individuals. I employ the notion of ‘Assume Positive Intent‘ in all of my leadership and team development work. We make assumptions and judgments about people based on their actions without understanding their underlying aims. When we assume positive intent, we must first consider the goal of others before condemning that action. This might cause you to wonder why they would do something or attempt to view things from their perspective.
We all have things we don’t know about, and what appears to be an assault or insult against you is frequently someone having a terrible day or simply having a different style than yours. How many debates have you had inside your head with someone who has no idea they even caused you any pain or anguish, only to find out it was merely a miscommunication or misunderstanding?
Make the Shift
- Replace – When something wrong happens to you, there are a few questions that typically come up: ‘Why is this happening TO me?’ and ‘Why IS it HAPPENING FOR ME?’ or simply ‘What will I learn? from this experience?’ When you seek the positive, the lesson or purpose, it will come to light.
- Assume positive intent. When it comes to speaking up, the best approach is not to say anything. Take a step back and assume that they had a positive goal in mind. Suspend judgment and try to figure out why they would have done what they’ve done.
- Change what you’re looking for. It’s time to start looking for things that will help you live your ideal existence. Look for the bright side of life.
5. Live in the Moment
From “life is a destination” to “life is a journey.”
It’s true what they say, as life is not a destination, so why not make the most of it?
If we are constantly focused on ‘getting there’ (wherever ‘there’ is), we are missing out on where we already are. The gifts, beauty, and pleasure that each moment can bring. You can notice possibilities, take advantage of the unexpected, go with the flow, and listen to your inner voice when you remain in the present.
On the other hand, when you are attached to a particular outcome or the way things should be, you may become upset with how they are. However, they are what they are! You’ll be happier and more satisfied if you can accept, learn, and develop rather than wish things were different in each moment.
Many individuals get caught in the trap of “when/then.” They may say things like, “When I meet someone, I’ll be delighted,” or “When I get a raise at work, I’ll be happy.” You can make yourself happy right now. You can locate what it takes to be satisfied at work without spending money.
Make the Shift
- Be. Here. Now. Being present has a lot of power, especially when it comes to anxiety and stress. Our minds are generally preoccupied with the past or dreading the future. Being present helps quiet your mind, focus your thoughts, and provide more serenity by practicing mindfulness or meditation.
- Get out of the when/then trap. When you hear yourself say, ‘when, then’ stop and consider what you can do right now. Are you waiting for someone or something to be pleased or gratified? Is it possible to discover that right now? Make a conscious decision to be happy with where you are at this time, with what you currently have. You always have the option of choosing happiness, joy, or appreciation in any given situation.
6. Switch Your ‘What Ifs.’
From the perspective of “what’s the worst that can happen?” to “what’s the best that can happen?”
We spend so much time dreading the future… and how much of what you’re afraid will come true? How much energy do you waste wondering “what if…”, anticipating results, difficulties, dangers, and what might go wrong?
Those what-ifs are like an app running in the background on your phone, draining your battery and wasting energy. And since worrying will never alter the result, why not do something to prevent it?
I see so many people caught up in all the what-ifs and potential consequences of their decisions. However, the individuals who have been most successful for me have focused on opportunity, possibility, and potential. It doesn’t imply you disregard any dangers or challenges; it just means you don’t allow them to stand in your way!
Make the Shift
- Identify the best that could happen. Look for the bright side of every scenario. Instead of focusing on what might go wrong, consider what may go right. If you’re thinking, “What if I don’t make the team?” Consider saying instead, “What if I do?” Consider asking yourself, “What if I speak up and lose my job because I was honest and courageous?”
- Remember this. It’s all good in the end if you’re having a hard time, are trapped in a rut, or are going through something challenging. It’s not the case that it has to be terrible before it’s over.
7. Be True to Yourself
From “I must fit in succeed” to “I must be myself to succeed.”
What is the most common regret among those who have died? It’s a desire to be… “To have had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the one others expected of me.” “They wish to have done something differently in life, or sometimes nothing at all.”
We are constantly told who we must be to fit in and be prosperous during our lives. On the other hand, others may require and desire different things from us. We frequently lose our unique gifts, skills, and even sense of self by attempting to conform.
You can’t compare yourself to others. We believe we’re competing against one another, yet we’re all racing in our circles. To be honest, the only person you should compete against is yourself.
The most successful individuals are true to themselves, consistent in their beliefs, and willing to be the best version of themselves.
Make the Shift
- Identify and honor your strengths. It’s a bummer, isn’t it? Everyone wants to fix or enhance something. We all have our faults. What if you spent as much time focusing on your strengths as trying to improve your flaws? That’s what people who are living their dreams do: they use their distinct abilities and talents. They are aware of their shortcomings, but they don’t spend time and energy attempting to change themselves. Try this: make a list of three things you like and value about yourself for the next 30 days. This might be anything from talents to strengths to abilities or personality characteristics. Then figure out how to more frequently utilize your attributes to create your ideal life.
- Find out who YOU are. It’s easy to become caught up in the demands of the world. You are more confident and self-assured when you are clear about your beliefs, passions, and what matters most to you. Take time to get to know yourself better. Self-reflection and self-awareness are the first steps toward Knowing yourself better. Make a list of your ideal life, not someone else’s. You may be able to endure a world full of competing expectations if you truly understand yourself.
- Stop comparing yourself. “You are driving your own race. You’re not leading or trailing. You’ve arrived at the correct time and place. Teddy Roosevelt said it best (and my mother made me and my twin sister understand as a youngster), ‘Comparison steals pleasure,’”
8. Where Awareness Goes, Energy Flows
From “watering the weeds” to “watering the flowers.”
You’ve all undoubtedly heard of the Law of Attraction and how to create your ideal life. The bulk of that information and wisdom comes from where you direct your attention.
I was giving a training session for a group of coaches and consultants several years ago. I was feeling insecure and unsure of myself at one stage. It was stressing me out, not to mention that I wasn’t serving the rest of the group as well as I could have been.
I shared something with my co-facilitator during a lunch break. He was an experienced instructor and a mentor of mine, and he offered me something I’ve never forgotten.
‘Think of your attention as a garden hose. When you’re in front of others and concerned about what they’re thinking, your attention is not on them. The hose is pointing inward if you’re thinking about how you sound, doing an excellent job, or any other time you’re in your own head. When you put your effort out, however, it’s all about YOU. Instead of focusing on what the group needs and instead of putting your focus on them, you’re watering down their efforts by directing the hose towards the room. So, do you want to water the weeds or the flowers?’
That was a trick question, wasn’t it? Of course, I wanted to water the flowers!
Make the Shift
- The grass is always greener when watered. Water it with love, energy, and positive regard if you want greener grass in some area of your life.
- Stop watering the weeds. Remember, what you feed grows. You’ll get more blooms if you water the flowers. Water the weeds, and you’ll get more of them. You’ll reach your objectives if you feed your goals; you’ll acquire fear if you provide your worries.
9. Develop an Attitude of Gratitude
From “what’s missing” to “what you’re grateful for.”
It’s vital to understand what you already have in your life as the basis for all prosperity. Eckhart Tolle considers it to be the foundation of all wealth:
Gratitude is one of the simplest yet most effective things you can do to live your dream life.
Gratitude has been linked to many positive outcomes, ranging from relationships, physical and emotional health, and sleep to mental stamina, energy, and general happiness. Did you know that it’s physically impossible to feel terror and gratitude simultaneously?
Try practicing gratitude the next time you feel you’re lacking in your life, jealous of others’ accomplishments, or dissatisfied with what you have. Try adopting a grateful attitude instead of grumbling about what you don’t have. Recognize all that you have and are thankful for in this world.
Make the Shift
- Start a gratitude journal. Each day, write down three things you are grateful for. Your brain will retain this habit and start recognizing the good in only 21 days if you do it regularly. Being thankful encourages more abundance in your life.
- Set a gratitude alarm on your phone: When it goes off, think of something you are grateful for. You might silently thank yourself or, even better, send a note of thanks to someone in your life.
It’s Time to Ask Yourself …
What did you learn from the changes? Which one(s) stood out to you the most? Which do you think will help you achieve your ideal existence? What tactics will you employ?
Now, take it a step further. Stop scrolling and before you go on to the next thing, ask yourself a few more questions…
- Consider your ideal existence. What thoughts, ideas, or mental changes do you need to realize?
- Do you believe you can reach it? Do you think you can accomplish it? What would it take for you to feel that way?
- What preconceptions are you making about yourself or others that are preventing you from moving forward?
Are You Ready?
If you’re ready to pursue your ambitions, it’s time to change your perspective.
Shift your thinking, shift your life.
You choose who you want to be. You pick the method by which you’ll get there. Create a picture of your ideal life and pursue it with all your might. Remove any obstacles in your path, especially those existing in your thoughts.
Remember, to modify your history, you must tell yourself a new narrative regularly. To evolve, you must be ready to adapt. You must have an open mind and a desire to learn to change.
‘‘Your thoughts become your beliefs, your beliefs become your ideas, your ideas become your words, your words become actions, your actions turn into habits, and so on.’ — Gandhi
You deserve to live your dream life.
You are deserving of everything that you can have.
Some strategies and techniques can help you get what you want in life, but the most important thing will always be mindset shifts.
We’ve gathered nine powerful ways to shift your thinking and change your life forever!
Read on if any of these resonate with you or someone you know, and we hope they serve as a reminder that anything is possible when one believes in themselves enough.
What would happen if every day was an opportunity?
Or how about this idea; what would happen if nothing was off-limits?
That may sound like a lofty goal at first glance, but all things are possible once again.

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.
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