With more people than ever meditating, here are the most recent meditation statistics that you need to know and how they can help improve your well-being.
Meditation is a set of mental exercises that aims to increase awareness, foster calmness, and enhance relaxation. According to the most recent meditation statistics, with more and more people meditating regularly, its popularity is exploding. It’s no surprise that individuals search for new techniques to relax in today’s stressful environment.
However, there are several additional advantages to practicing mindfulness. Many studies have shown that this mind and body technique may lower blood pressure, ease pain, decrease the chance of depression, and improve overall well-being. Continue reading to learn more about contemporary meditation practices.
Table of Contents
The Most Mind-Blowing Meditation Statistics for 2022
- Meditation is practiced by an estimated 200–500 million individuals worldwide.
- At least once, over 14% of Americans have meditated.
- Meditation lowers anxiety by 60 percent of the time.
- Meditation can help you avoid going to the hospital for a heart event by 87 percent.
- According to statistics on mindfulness meditation, meditation can cut sleep deprivation by 50 percent.
- According to the survey, almost 90% of US Buddhists practice meditation at least once a week. In 2017, almost 10 times as many youngsters utilized meditation as in 2012.
- Mindfulness training and classes were given to 45.59% of employees in 2018, according to a study from HomeAdvisor.
- Meditation may boost employee productivity by 120%.
- Meditation enabled schools to cut suspensions by 45%.
Meditation’s Growing Acceptance Among the Public
Meditation is becoming increasingly popular with each passing year. We’ll look at the popularity of mindfulness in this section.
1. Meditation is practiced by millions of people worldwide, according to experts.
In recent years, the popularity of meditation has been increasing. Given all its health advantages, it’s little surprise that more individuals are taking advantage of it.
2. At least once, about 14% of Americans have meditated.
Furthermore, according to the 2013 Pew Research Center poll, approximately 40% of US adults practice meditation at least once a week.
3. In 2017, 14.2% of American adults said that they had meditated in the previous year.
The CDC’s study “Use of Yoga, Meditation, and Chiropractors Among U. Individuals Aged 18 and Older” is an excellent source of meditation-related data. From 2012, when just 4.1% of Americans had meditated the previous year, according to its findings, the percentage of individuals who practice meditation has risen significantly (from 2012).
According to the report’s authors, the number of meditation and yoga cellphone apps has increased, which is partly to blame for this steep increase. More and more companies and schools provide yoga and meditation courses to their workers and students every day.
Benefits of Meditation
You’ve probably heard about the numerous health benefits of meditation. In this part, we’ll look at the advantages of meditation.
4. meditation aims to enhance general health. The majority of individuals use meditation for this purpose.
Meditation is most often used for general well-being, according to a poll of over 2,800 people. Other reasons for meditation include increasing energy levels (60%), improving memory and focus (50%), and relieving anxiety, stress, and sadness (76%).
5. In most cases, meditation reduces anxiety by 60%.
Almost two-thirds of individuals prone to anxiety reduced their anxiety levels after meditating for 6–9 months.
6. The risk of being hospitalized for heart disease may be reduced by 87% through meditation.
According to meditation research, people who meditate are less likely to have heart disease. Because meditation is a type of relaxation technique, it reduces tension, which has been shown in studies to contribute to many severe medical problems.
7. In the majority of instances, meditation treats insomnia symptoms.
The majority of those who meditated daily could fall asleep faster than those who did not. 75% of them needed just 20 minutes to drift off. Furthermore, insomniacs decreased or entirely discontinued the usage of sleeping pills by 91%.
8. To reduce PMS symptoms by 57%, meditation may help alleviate them.
According to studies on meditation, women who practiced meditation had decreased physical and psychological PMS symptoms.
9. People who have insomnia can lose nearly half of their average wake time when they meditate.
According to the research on the efficacy of mindfulness-based therapy for insomnia, meditation may aid insomniacs.
10. Meditation can help you overcome back pain.
Back pain patients who practiced mindfulness meditation improved their capacity to complete daily activities by 30%. According to mindfulness meditation research, this is one of the documented physical benefits of meditation.
11. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be treated with mindfulness meditation roughly 73% of the time.
The research looked at the efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for treating posttraumatic stress disorder among veterans. Given that 73% of them had improved symptoms, further study on the effects of meditation is needed.
12. Meditation may lower blood pressure 80% of the time.
Scientists have discovered that meditation may help reduce blood pressure in hypertensive individuals. According to statistics, meditation has been shown to lower blood pressure by 80% and necessitate less medication in 80% of patients. Furthermore, 16% of participants were able to stop using antihypertensive medications.
13. After only four days of meditation practice, you may expect to have a greater attention span.
According to a study, mindfulness meditation has also been linked to improvements in visual-spatial processing, working memory, and executive functioning.
14. Meditation can increase grey matter.
According to Harvard research, daily mindfulness meditation for at least 30 minutes boosts hippocampal grey matter. This is an important meditation fact since the hippocampus is responsible for memory and learning.
Demographics of Meditation Users
Who are the people who meditate? This chapter will look at the many types of individuals who practice meditation.
15. More women than men practice meditation.
According to the CDC’s 2017 National Health Interview Survey, women, on average, engage in meditation more frequently than men (16.3% vs. 11.8%).
16. In 2017, 18.5% of all white adults used meditation compared to 15.2% in 2016.
The study results show that whites were more likely to utilize meditation than black (13.5 percent) and Hispanic people (10.9%). This indicates that popularity varies across different population groups when it comes to meditation.
17. Meditation is most popular among those aged 45–64.
Meditation was used by 15.9% of adults in the 18–44 age group in 2017, a percentage lower than the 13.4% usage rate among persons aged 65 and up and the 16.7% usage rate in the 45–64 year category.
18. According to a recent poll, 89% of all US Buddhists practice at least once a week.
It probably comes as no surprise that this is the case. However, meditation is practiced by Americans of various religious backgrounds regularly. The proportion of Evangelical Protestants who meditate at least once a week is 49%, whereas, for Jehova’s Witnesses, it’s much higher, at 77 percent. According to these meditation facts and statistics, approximately 25% of individuals who do not belong to any religion or identify as atheists practice meditation just as often.
Meditation and Children
Is meditation a good practice for children? Can it benefit them, and if so, how? We’ll answer any remaining questions in this section.
19. Meditation is becoming increasingly popular among children, with over ten times more kids using it in 2017 than 2012.
According to a recent poll of 5,000 American children conducted by the Mindfulness Research Bank at Columbia University, meditation is gaining ground among youngsters. In 2017, 5.4% of 4-to-17-year-olds had meditated in the previous year, compared to 0.6% in 2012. The proportion of boys and girls who utilized meditation was very comparable.
20. Use of meditation was higher among kids aged 12–17 than it was among those under 12.
According to the 2018 meditation statistics, 6.5% of older children used meditation compared to 4.7 percent of youngsters aged four to eleven. There were no significant differences in the use of meditation among various races.
The Meditation Industry
This section will look at the origins of mediation and how it has changed over time.
21. 40 million downloads for Headspace, a meditation software, is not unusual.
According to Apple, meditation apps were the most popular app trend in 2018.
22. The meditation and mindfulness sector brought in almost $1 billion in revenue in 2015.
However, the revenue from mindfulness apps and wearable gadgets utilized during meditation isn’t included in this piece of data.
23. By 2022, the US meditation market will be worth about $2 billion.
According to Marketdata’s data, the value of the meditation market increased from $959 million to $1.08 billion in just one year, from 2015 to 2016. It is expected that its annual growth will be 11.4%.
Meditation at Work or School
Is it true that meditation can benefit learners and employees? We’ll look at how meditation is utilized in schools and businesses.
24. In 2019, employers offered mindfulness sessions or training to about 43% of their staff.
According to an annual study conducted by the National Business Group on Health (NBGH), 42 percent of businesses with at least one employee reported implementing a meditation program in their workplace. This is a considerable increase from 36% in 2017 to 52% in 2018, according to the NBGH’s meditation workplace statistics.
25. Meditation can boost employee output by 120%.
Employers who implemented meditation in their workplaces reported a reduction of 85% in employee absence and an increase in profits of 520%.
26. In 2012, meditation was part of the school curriculum in 91 American high schools.
Meditation is becoming increasingly popular among schools because of its numerous advantages. For example, it can help reduce class absences and bad behavior.
27. Meditations helped school suspensions fall by 45 percent.
After establishing a meditation program at one school, suspensions decreased. This data on meditation in schools and its statistics lend further proof that meditation may be beneficial in the classroom since it is considered to improve children’s performance.
Meditation has many health advantages, including strengthening our heart health, reducing pain in our backs, increasing memory, and more. It also helps us relax, lower stress levels, deal with anxiety, and sleep better. Given this context, it’s not surprising that meditation statistics show how popular this ancient technique is growing in the United States and throughout the world.
People have become increasingly aware of how our stressful lifestyles harm our physical and mental health. Thus they are investigating alternative methods to obtain serenity. And meditation is excellent for providing inner calm.
Is meditation a viable approach to mental wellness?
There are several advantages of meditation that have been proved in research. This, however, is not the same as being scientifically proven to be true. Meditation has been shown in studies to help with anxiety and depression. Furthermore, research shows that meditation may help with various health problems, but these have not yet been scientifically proven.
What is the size of the meditation market?
By 2027, the meditation business is expected to have a value of $9 billion. It will rise at a CAGR of around 10.40% between 2020 and 2027. This demonstrates how quickly the meditation industry is expanding each year.
Are 30 minutes of meditation enough?
Meditation can provide several advantages, according to studies. However, you don’t have to meditate for 20 minutes or more to receive benefits. Shorter bursts of meditation may still be beneficial, especially if you’re just getting started. So you may begin by focusing on short intervals and then build up to a longer duration of meditation as time goes on.
Is it true what they say about meditation’s being popular?
According to the most recent meditation statistics, this ancient practice is quite popular in the United States. According to a 2014 Religious Landscape Study by the Pew Research Center, 40% of Americans meditate at least once a week.

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.
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