Yes. Praying is a form of manifestation because it’s a way to focus your thoughts and intentions on what you want to create in your life.
When you pray, you’re opening yourself up to the guidance and wisdom of the universe, and you’re asking for help in creating what you desire.
This puts you in a state of receptivity, and helps to align your energy with the energy of what you desire.
Then, by taking action on the things that come up during your prayer session, you’re bringing those desires into reality.
So yes, praying is definitely a form of manifestation!
Table of Contents
Praying Is Asking The Universe For What You Want
Some people think that positive energy is emitted from them into the world when they pray.
These ideas and aspirations are supposed to result in good things for ourselves and others all around the globe. Is it possible to manifest and pray at the same time?
Prayer and manifestation are not synonymous.
The act of attempting to provide something we want in our own or others’ lives is known as manifesting.
In contrast, prayer is a matter of faith, and its primary goal is to offer God thanks for all we have in life. It’s not about attempting to acquire what we desire.
Many individuals think that through manifestation, they can obtain anything they desire in life. Others feel that the world will listen to their beliefs and petitions.
So, let’s look at how manifesting differs from prayer in greater depth.
The Meaning of Manifesting
Manifesting implies bringing something into the world that you want, and it’s attempting to make something you desire a reality.
All about making things happen.
Manifestation may happen in a variety of ways.
Some people feel that it will happen if they think positively about what they want. Others feel that if they picture what they desire, it will appear in their life quickly.
There are several different approaches to accomplishing something.
They include:
- visualizing
- focusing
- sending energy out into the world
and so on.
Manifestation is generally achieved through good thoughts and positive emotions, and creating something using one’s mind is known as manifestation.
What Is A Prayer?
Prayer is a way to express our gratitude for what we’ve been given.
It generally doesn’t include requests for things you want or require, but some do it.
However, prayer is not a method of bringing something into existence, and it entails reciting a specific prayer with faith in God and the universe.
Prayer is not about attempting to make anything happen by sending good thoughts or words into the world.
Praying is a gesture of trust in God and His goodwill, and it reflects our trust that He listens and protects us.
What Is The Difference Between Manifesting And Praying?
The phrases “manifesting” and “praying” are often used interchangeably, but they aren’t the same. The following are some of the distinctions between manifesting and praying:
- A prayer is an act of faith in the world, whereas manifesting entails attempting to bring about something while invoking the power of prayer.
- Praying does not, however, imply that you must think positively.
- Manifesting is the practice of using the power of your mind to bring something about. On the other hand, prayer involves tapping into God’s energy and power all around us through your faith.
- Visualizing is usually the method of manifestation. Visualization is not a part of prayer.
- A prayer is a form of surrender in which you give control to God and ask him to work in your life. Instead of relying on our mental might, it relies on our faith and belief in God’s power.
Is it easy to see the appeal of manifestation?
When your employment has come to an end, you’re down on your luck; when you want more than what you have now, or things just aren’t working the way you planned, you become desperate to try anything. I understand how you feel, and I’ve been there as well.
It’s appealing to think you may create your heart’s desires with just your thoughts and the might of your mind. Those who know me well understand that I am a huge advocate for personal growth, and I believe we’re all here to learn more about ourselves, one another, and God.
But I’ve seen many people on Facebook or Instagram talking about how they manifested cash, their ideal house, or their ideal spouse. I even received an email from someone who had successfully manifested a pet as a dream.
Reasons Law of Attraction and Manifestation is not Godly.
- It disregards the sovereignty of God.
Proverbs 3:5 says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and not rely on your insight. In all of your ways, acknowledge Him. And He will lead you along the correct road. Proverbs 3:5
When we perform manifestation, we place our faith in our ideas instead of God’s Will for our situation. We know, however, from Proverbs 3:5 that we should put our trust in God above our understanding. He loves and desires the best for us; therefore, we should entrust our goals and wishes to Him and request His assistance in achieving them.
- The more manifest becomes their God.
“You shall have no other gods before me.” – Exodus 20:3
The illusion of manifesting leads us to believe that we are the creators and masters of our destiny. God is the actual creator, as He spoke the world into existence. All things are derived from His unending bounty. When we want something and take all the necessary steps to make it happen without first consulting God, we are putting ourselves in danger of receiving whatever we desire. In Exodus 20:3, God commands us not to have “any other gods before me.”
- It deprives you of the joy of waiting.
The Lord is not slow to keep his promise as some people think, but he is patient with you, desiring that no person perish but that all should repent. 2 Peter 3:9 The
We all have things we wish for, such as more money, a perfect house, friends, or a better marriage. Whatever it is, God can help us fulfill this want. When God does not deliver as swiftly as we desire, we seek other strategies to obtain the desired outcome.
But what if the reason you haven’t been able to reach your ideal partner or make more money is that there is something you need to learn or a person you need to become before you can achieve not only your dream desire but also retain it?
What happens after you’ve manifested your spouse, according to no one. What kind of relationship do you have once you’ve manifested your partner? How long did the cash you generated last bring you joy? God loves us and wants us to enjoy life with Him. When we manifest, we lose out on the blessings that God has planned for us and the growth that is needed to retain those gifts.
- When we get what we desire, God receives no credit.
To him be glory in the church and Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Ephesians 3:20-21 To him be glory in the church and Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever, to him who can do far more abundantly than all we ask or imagine according to the working of his power within us.
When people achieve the thing they are manifesting, I seldom hear them thank or praise God. And where does it come from if they don’t believe it comes from God? We might be receiving our wants from the adversary, who is always on the prowl, aware of our most intense longings, and eager to use them to propel us away from God. According to the Bible, all good things come from the Lord, but if we don’t include him in our plans or give him any praise or glory for our blessings, we risk depending only on ourselves.
- We create idols to the things we long for.
According to human tradition, according to the world’s elemental spirits, and not according to Christ, see that you are not taken captive by philosophy and empty deceit. According to human tradition
I understand what it’s like to want something honestly, desire it with all of your heart, and yet you can’t have it. You’d be so delighted if only you could have it, and everything would fall into place in your life. The danger with wanting something too much is that we might form an idol out of our goal. We devote attention to it daily, and we build vision boards to see whether all of the time spent trying to realize our aspirations was worthwhile. There’s nothing wrong with concentrating on a goal you desire; in fact, focusing on something may help you reach your goals. But, as previously stated, we must include God in everything we do. He has to be the object of our desires. He must be the one we want to please and whose Will we want to follow, not ours.
What to do instead?
So, what do we do when we want to concentrate on something? There are biblical principles that we may follow right now.
- Pray about it. Offer your goal to God and ask Him to help you achieve it. Pray for discernment, too, that the Holy Spirit will lead you to hear God’s voice and provide you with wisdom on what to do.
- Submit to God’s Will. Let us not focus on our objectives that we lose sight of God’s Will. Pray in earnest to believe that God only wants the best for you, and trust that He will assist you in obtaining it.
- Affirmations. What’s the difference between positive affirmations and manifestation? Biblically-based affirmations repeat God’s words — which are true — back to yourself and affirm them as accurate over yourself and your aspirations. Rather than pursuing your own Will, you’re engaging with God in your dreams.
- Do the work. If you’re asking for more cash, take some action to get there. It might be necessary for you to go back to school, acquire a skill, or look for higher-paying work. Whatever it is, we should do the legwork to achieve our goals once we’ve offered God’s desire and requested His help in obtaining it.
We each have a significant role in our lives, but the universe has much more influence over us than we may realize. I am comforted by the knowledge that my God is all-powerful, and he is larger than the universe, and He is limitless! What can he offer us now that he hasn’t already?
Pray with me: I have placed my goals and desires before you, Lord. I humbly seek your blessings and advice. Please guide my steps so that these plans may be pleasing to You and consistent with Your Will for me and my life. You know everything about my future, Lord. If this turns out to benefit my family and me, please assist me in reaching it. If not, let there be a sign or show me another path in Jesus’ Name. In the name of Jesus, I pray that is Amen.
Do you believe in manifestation and the law of attraction? Do you think that Christians should be involved in manifestation?
The Power of Prayer and Manifestation
The T.I.’s song Whatever You Like comes to mind when I think about the power of prayer and manifestation. That is how prayer and manifestation works. Whatever you want, desire, or deserve, you may have. It has a simple sound to it, doesn’t it? It is straightforward yet complex. You must be prepared to accept it. It’s all about attitude. If you’re asking for something and don’t feel you’re deserving of it or have not completed the required actions to receive the blessing, it won’t happen. Everything has to fall into place. Please keep in mind that when you submit a request, there are three possible outcomes:
I grew up in the church and have always prayed there. I didn’t learn to pray or enter worship until I was in my early 20s and a great church member with a great leader who taught me much. I discovered that prayer and manifestation are not limited to religion. It’s more about being whole, knowing who you are, and having a spiritual foundation. The essential thing I learned in my twenties was that prayer and worship could take place anywhere, at any time, without the need for a building to gather with others, without music or other additions. In your own home, you may worship whenever you’re driving in the car! I’ve been to some strange locations where all I had to do was press a button.
For manifestation, there’s something to be said for being grateful in advance for what you haven’t yet received. This is an example of manifesting: I’d want to buy a house as soon as possible. In addition to praying about it, I’m also expressing thanksgiving for my current shelter by maintaining my current place better than previously and appreciating my existing home. I’m showing that I am deserving of more. When I’m not grateful for my present blessings, it seems silly to ask for more. This is how I demonstrate that I am deserving. This may appear strange to you.
Prayer and manifestation are incredible, and it is truly life-changing! Surround yourself with individuals who can reach out to you when you’re feeling stressed and who can assist you along the road! Don’t be scared to seek assistance in this area!
What happens when you instantaneously manifest spiritual abilities?
The Manifestation Gifts are displays of God’s supernatural power.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit enable the Church to share God’s love with the rest of the world entirely.
Manifestation gifting is “one type” of spiritual gift offered to the Church for both believers’ and nonbelievers’ benefit.
These abilities represent how God uses a Christian’s life in a particular scenario to demonstrate His supernatural strength.
The seven manifestations of the seven gifts in I Corinthians 12:7–11.
- Working of miracles
- Interpretation of tongues
- Word of knowledge
- Faith
- Word of wisdom
- Discerning of spirits
- Interpretation of tongues
- Gifts of healing
- Prophecy
- Divers kinds of tongues
But, in offering the manifestation gifts, Paul added this vital remark: “But all these work together that the same Spirit, dividing to each according to his will” (I Corinthians 12:11). Remember that the Spirit of God is the Originator of these gifts, and they are made visible to bring God glory.
Many of these manifestation talents are mentioned only once in the Bible, and their explanations aren’t given in detail.
On the other hand, numerous of these skills are referred to in several portions of the Scriptures, and some are thoroughly discussed.
To comprehend the characteristics, we must rely on studying the words in their context, an accurate interpretation of Greek terms, and spiritual insight. (See John 14:26.) We’ll give a quick overview of each of these gifts, define the Greek words used to describe them, and share insights from Biblical scholars.
Word of Wisdom
The ability to intercede on behalf of people who are suffering is a spiritual gift that is mentioned in the Bible just once—in I Corinthians 12:8, where it says, “For by the Spirit one may receive revelation.”
Logos is the Greek word for “word,” and it is defined in Strong’s Concordance as follows: “something said (including the thought): by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive.”
The term hortatory in Greek is known by many other names, including account, preaching, question, saying, speech, talk, utterance, work, and news.
The English word wisdom derives from the Greek term Sophia (wisdom). A word of advice may be defined as a supernatural supply of divine wisdom or a correct application of knowledge.
“[Word of wisdom, knowledge, and discerning spirits] are given to Christians so that they may know what to do or say in particular circumstances,” according to John Rea, author of The Layman’s Commentary on the Holy Spirit. “
Jesus enlightened us with a word of knowledge when, to the Pharisees who were attempting to trap Him with their inquiry about paying a tax to Caesar, He gave His famous response: ‘Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and God what belongs to God.’ (Matt 22:21 NASB) . . . Jesus had assured us that in times of crisis we would be given comparable wisdom from the Holy Spirit, ‘for the Holy Spirit will instruct you in that very moment what you should say’ (Luke 12:12). “
“In a tense or hazardous environment, a phrase of advise may be given that resolves the problem or silences the opponent.
It isn’t an individual’s inherent knowledge that is described here; rather, it’s a word of wisdom provided to someone in a specific circumstance”. Pastor David Currie points to several Scriptures as proof of the word of wisdom in action, including I Kings 3:16–28; Luke 20:20–26; Luke 13:7; Luke 14:6; and Luke 20:40.
Word of Knowledge
This is another spiritual gift mentioned only once in the Bible (I Corinthians 12:7), and no explanation is offered within the passage.
The English word “knowledge” is used in the translation of the Greek term gnosis (knowledge) in this passage.
The knowledge word, or logos, is again translated as a word, and the Greek nous refers to both knowledge and intellect.
The gift of Bible knowledge, according to biblical scholars, includes “a declaration of gospel truth or the application of it,” as well as “words announcing future events (written or spoken) that were not otherwise known by the natural mind through study and effort.”
However, many theologians believe that a word of knowledge should be classified as a “supernatural revelation of facts past, present, or future which were not learnt through the efforts of the natural mind” (Rea, page 138).
This spiritual gift is one example of divine knowledge that may be received when information is needed right away. The only way to acquire it is through supernatural means: a disclosure from God. In I Corinthians 2:16, Paul informs us that “we have the mind of Christ.” “This talent is used to safeguard the Christian, teach him how to pray more effectively, or instruct him in how to assist others” (Rea, page 139).
Saving faith and the fruit of the Spirit listed as such is not the same thing as the manifestation gift of faith. The spiritual skill of faith is “a quick burst of confidence in our actions or words in Jesus’ Name that they will come to pass,” according to Rea (page 141).
When this gift of faith is in action, Christians have an unshakable trust that God will fulfill His promises, even when it appears to be impossible. (See Matthew 17:20; Mark 11:22–24; Luke 17:6; and I Corinthians 13:2.)
The Greek word Pistis is translated as “faith” in I Corinthians 12 and defined in Strong’s Concordance as “persuasion, i.e. credence; moral conviction (of religious truth or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher), especially reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstract constancy in such profession; by extension the system of religious (Gospel) truth itself.” Pistis is also translated as assurance, belief, and fidelity in the New Testament.
Gifts of Healing
I Corinthians 12 does not detail this gift or its characteristics, and Bible scholars disagree on the Greek term used here: iama.
According to Strong’s Concordance, the word “iama” means “a cure (the effect).” When this Greek term is used in the New Testament, it is always translated as “healing.” The term “gifts” comes from the Greek word “charisma,” which refers to a (divine) gratuity, i.e., deliverance (from danger or passion): (specifically) a spiritual endowment, i.e., subjective religious qualification, or objective miraculous capacity. Throughout the New Testament, the word charisma is usually translated as “gift.”
Healing refers to removing illnesses from a person’s spirit, soul, or body. Most of us can name bodily diseases off the top of our heads, but we may also heal sadness, greed, and guilt in our spirits with God’s power.
Discouragement, worry, jealousy, and other harmful attitudes are spiritual maladies. Healing is used in this passage on spiritual gifts to describe the supernatural healing of infirmities and diseases for the glory of God.
Working of Miracles
The Apostle Paul uses “working of miracles” in I Corinthians 12:10. The English word working comes from the Greek energetic, which Strong’s Concordance defines as “a result.” This Greek term is also translated operation elsewhere throughout the New Testament. The English word “miracle” comes from the Greek term dunamis, which means “exceptionally miraculous power (usually by implication a miracle itself).” Dunamis is translated as ability, might, plenty, meaning, violence, strength, and influential work in other parts of the New Testament.
The phrase “working of miracles” appears only once in the Bible, in this list of the manifestation gifts of the Holy Spirit. There is no more information about this gift. However, it appears to be straightforward. This is a supernatural talent to serve others as a conduit of God’s miraculous power, based on the Greek definitions of the words. Because our great God’s power has no boundaries or limitations, this definition implies no boundaries or limitations.
The ability to channel magical energy is referred to as a “sending” in Mormonism. This spiritual gift is expressed through direct, divine interventions that give dunamis miraculous power. “The working of miracles” refers not just to physical cures. “Miracles, including the exorcism of demons and the resuscitation of individuals who are thought to be dead, such as Dorcas and Eutychus (Acts 9:36–41), are included within the category of wonderworking” (Rea, page 142). Another method that working of miracles is witnessed in our midst is the occurrence of natural or supernatural events with precise coordination, which exalts God.
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The gift of prophet is the only one that may be received in all three categories of spiritual gifts: (1) motivational gifts, (2) ministry gifts, and (3) manifestation gifts). The Holy Spirit utilizes this ability to convict people on sin, righteousness, and judgment to come. (See John 16:7–11.)
In I Corinthians 12:10, the Greek word prophecy is translated as prophesy in English. The Greek term propheseia may be translated as either prophetic or prophesying, according to Strong’s Concordance. As a result, Wayne Grudem, author of Systematic Theology, states that “a fresh examination of the New Testament teaching on this gift will demonstrate that it should be defined not as ‘predicting the future,’ nor as ‘proclaiming a word from the Lord,’ nor as ‘powerful preaching’—but rather as ‘telling something that God has spontaneously brought to mind.’
Dr. John Rea explains that preaching is the art of communicating and interpreting what one already knows, which he has acquired or studied previously. “Prophesying, on the other hand, entails directly conveying God’s thoughts through the inspiration and prompting of the Holy Spirit rather than from one’s intellects. The ability to speak in tongues is a supernatural power that enables people to communicate using words they understand. “Speaking unknown languages is mythical,” explains the biblical evidence (Rea, page 144). The Holy Spirit leads believers to express truths congruent with the Bible’s truth.
Discerning of Spirits
The term discriminating (discerning) is a rendering of the Greek word diakrisis, which refers to “a judicial weighing.” According to John Rea, this term denotes “a vision into the interior reality with a judgment based on that perception. “When the Holy Spirit convicts a person of sin, He does so through His illuminating voice. When we are ready for correction by God’s light and love, we can immediately recognize what motivates someone or a situation (The Holy Spirit and You, p. 143). According to Dennis Bennett, this gift allows believers to know instantly what makes someone or a situation tick (Disputation in the New Testament: diakrisis vs. disputation). “
The Greek word pneuma, which means “a current of air, i.e., breath (blast) or a breeze; figuratively, a spirit, i.e. (human) the rational and vital principle, mental disposition,” or (superhuman) an angel, demon, or (divine) God’s spirit Christ’s is translated in the New Testament as ghost life spiritual spiritually and mind.”
God expects His children to be able to distinguish between right and wrong. To achieve this aim, God has given us, among other things, His Word. (See II Timothy 3:14-17.) The spiritual gift of discerning spirits is not a discernment that may be learned by studying God’s Word. However, having a thorough understanding and knowledge of God’s Word would undoubtedly help any believer discern good from evil.
In certain instances, the Holy Spirit endows Christians with this spiritual gift. It’s a supernatural perception that can’t be learned or taught. Wayne Grudem explains it as follows: “The ability to discern between spirits is a distinct skill in recognizing the influence of the Holy Spirit or demonic spirits on a person” (Grudem, page 1082).
Diverse Kinds of Tongues
The spiritual gifts of diverse languages and the interpretation of tongues have long been perplexed and misunderstood among Christians. It is crucial to note that all endowments are unexplainable in natural terms and are supernatural blessings from God. We should research what the Scriptures say about these talents and trust God to utilize them in His time. Believers are given the ability to serve others and glorify God as they are gifted with these abilities by the Holy Spirit.
In I Corinthians 12:10, “divers kinds of tongues” is mentioned as one of the spiritual gifts given to the church to help it fulfill its mission. The English words divers sorts render the Greek word genos, which refers to both abstract and concrete relatives in scripture. The New Testament uses genos in several ways, including as born, country (-man), diversity, generation, kind (-red), nation, offspring, and stock.
The English words of tongues translate the Greek term glossa, which Strong’s Concordance defines as “the tongue; by implication a language (particularly one that is not acquired naturally).” Glossa is translated only as “tongue” throughout the New Testament (singular or plural). As a result, we may infer that “different sorts of languages” refers to “extended family members who did not grow up together.
As we look at what the Scriptures have to say about this gift, we discover that it may be used to accomplish various goals.
- Individual praising or prayer is a form of religious devotion. (See Jude 20–21.)
- The gift of tongues, like all other gifts and ministries, is given to edify the church by instruction, exhortation, or correction. Because God’s message to His people in a tongue can’t be comprehended without interpretation, it is necessary to interpret tongues in these instances. (See I Corinthians 14:5-13; 15:9-12; 16:1-4; 39-40.)
- As an indication to the unconverted. (See I Corinthians 14: 22.)
Interpretation of Tongues
The word “interpretation” comes from the Greek term hermeneia, which simply means “translation.” The phrase’s use of the Greek term glossa (“tongue”) is another example. “Interpretation of tongues” might be translated as “translation of languages that have not been naturally acquired.” According to Grudem, interpreting tongues simply means “reporting the general meaning of something spoken in tongues to the church” (Grudem, page 1076).
It’s not that we don’t believe God can use a broken people group to accomplish amazing things in His name. But, interestingly, tongues are typically associated with non-human animal or demonic languages, whereas known human languages are rarely linked with angelic speech (Grudem, page 1072).
While there is no scientific evidence to back up the idea that praying for something brings it about, some people still believe in this form of manifestation.
If you believe and want to try prayer as a way of manifesting your desires into reality, then we encourage you to keep doing so!
There are many ways to use the power of prayer, including by talking aloud or silently, asking someone else to pray on your behalf, or even writing down what you want and reading it aloud.
No matter how you choose to do it, research suggests that faith can play an essential role in our health and well-being.
So why not give these tips a shot?
You never know what might happen!

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.
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