According to a recent study, the average person spends nearly two hours each day lost in thought.
This may not seem like much, but it adds up to a whopping seven entire days over a year.
And that’s just an average – some people report spending even more time daydreaming.
So what exactly are we doing when our minds wander? Daydreaming? Well, sort of. It turns out that our brains are quite active when we’re lost in thought.
One study found that people’s brains remain just as active when they’re daydreaming as solving problems or performing other cognitive tasks. So what does all this daydreaming achieve?
It turns out that it’s essential for our well-being and to stay motivated as an employee.
Daydreaming allows us to process new information, plan for the future, and even boost our creativity.
So next time you find yourself lost in thought, don’t be so quick to snap out of it – you may be doing your brain a favor.
The importance of Imagination and its role in our daily lives, as well as its statistics and facts, appears to be declining in a culture that values productivity and seeks to “do more.” Here are some Imagination statistics and facts to show how significant it is.
Table of Contents
General Imagination Statistics and Facts
How do you feel about your creative abilities and Imagination? Here’s a look at global studies and statistics to give context:
- According to most people, they are not living up to their creative potential.
- Waking up every few hours to check the time is a waste of your life and everyone else around you. If you begin work or school daydreaming, it might indicate that you’re clever and creative. It may help to link multiple brain regions together in a chain reaction.
- Don’t worry if you don’t have a fantastic imagination.
- Sophie von Stumm discovered that the strength of Imagination has nothing to do with Imagination or learning.
- According to a 2014 Kaufman poll, 66% of people have creative thoughts while showering.
Imagination Statistics At Work
As of April 2021, the number of Google results for “37,90,000,000” had risen to “Imagination in business has returned.” Here are some more business-related data showing how companies have been putting a higher value on innovation at work.
1. In the workplace and professional environment, Imagination is highly revered:
- It’s the most important consideration for a company’s long-term success, according to a 2010 IBM study.
- LinkedIn Learning ranks it at the top of its list as the essential skill in the world.
- It’s also one of the top three talents that workers will need in the future, as determined by the World Economic Forum.
2. However, research by Gallup of 16,500 employees discovered that just 35% of workers are permitted to be creative at work only a few times a year or less. Only 8% of workers “strongly agreed” that they were allowed risks at work that may result in significant new products, services, or solutions. In the same vein, if you’re with a company that’s wondering what tools it needs to invest in to foster creativity among its employees, read on.
3. You don’t need expensive equipment to encourage your kids’ imaginations. Even everyday non-specific technology, according to Dorit Nevo (an associate professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Lally School of Management) study findings, may aid in the production of ideas for the right people.
This is exactly why rock bands keep repeating it. “Their sound,” according to them, does not reside in the guitar amplifiers and effects; it’s in their hands.”
Developing Imagination Statistics
What are some ways employers could be crazy about encouraging you to think creatively? Of course, having more time to consider and relax is the polar opposite of help. But here’s what the study discovered:
1. According to a study conducted by the University of Iowa, playing video games like Minecraft might improve your Imagination under specific circumstances. So don’t underestimate the significance of games that encourage “creative freedom.”
It’s also worth noting that asking gamers to “be creative” isn’t effective. You’ve in some way restricted their choices while they’re playing.
If you want to fix a problem yourself rather than waiting for it to occur, the next option may be more suitable.
2. Anytime you’re stuck in the normal mode of thinking, “sleep over it.”
According to Harvard Medical School psychologist Deidre Barrett, Ph.D., dreams may help with Imagination and problem-solving.
Finally, there are four skill sets to try and improve your creative output, according to Imagination researcher Jonathan Plucker:
- Capture: preserving new ideas as they arise.
- Challenging: taking on tough responsibilities.
- Broadening: seeking knowledge and abilities in areas other than your current specialties.
- Encircling: hunting for new or different stimuli.
Other Imagination Statistics and Facts
- Determination, perseverance, and hard effort are all potential pathways to creative breakthroughs. According to past research, experts in a particular area typically require about 10,000 hours of dedicated study. Obtaining a creative breakthrough appears to be no more difficult than previously believed. Many people believe that creativity is the preserve of those with high intelligence. And while it’s true that leading thinkers and intellectuals are generally highly creative, it’s a misconception that only these types of people can be truly imaginative. Recent studies suggest that creativity and intelligence no longer correlate at all once you reach just above average in terms of I.Q., around an I.Q., a Score of 120 or so. This means that anyone and everyone has the potential to be creative, at least on some level. Whether you’re a marketing executive coming up with new product ideas or an artist painting a beautiful landscape, your creativity is determined by different factors than your intelligence. Some people have a knack for seeing problems from new perspectives and finding innovative solutions.
- In contrast, others possess an inherent ability to make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas and concepts. Regardless, we now know that it’s simply not true that creativity is reserved for those with particularly high I.Q.. Rather, Imagination comes from many different sources, no matter what your general level of intelligence may be. So if you’ve been holding back on unleashing your inner artist or writer for fear that you’re not smart enough to do so, don’t hesitate.
- Walking resulted in a 60% boost in creative output (either indoors or outside) versus sitting. So, if you want to improve your Imagination, go for a short walk – or a long one.
- According to the American Public Health Association, ‘creative engagement can help reduce anxiety, tension, and mood disturbances. They hypothesized that allowing ourselves to be truly creative allows us to focus on the whole person.
- Individuals are generally more creative than groups. Group dynamics may reduce the overall amount of Imagination by silencing certain voices while amplifying others.
- People are more creative when they believe they are interacting with someone at a greater physical distance, according to one study. According to another examination, this activates higher-construal thinking processes (big-picture focus and abstract thinking).
- “Imagination is the process of putting together facts that no one else has linked before.” – Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, 1995 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine. The ERC Scientific Council was formed by a founding member Prof. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard.
- The creative class is one of the fastest-growing segments of the U.S. workforce. Comprising more than 38.3 million Americans, this segment includes artists, architects, engineers, and other professionals primarily driven by creativity and innovation. Over the last two decades, the number of individuals in this sector has grown by more than 10%, far outpacing overall employment numbers in the United States.
- One reason for this rapid increase lies in the changing economy. As technology evolves at a breakneck pace, new industries are constantly emerging, creating demand for skilled workers who can think outside the box and find innovative solutions to complex problems. And as businesses recognize that creativity is a key component of success, they are increasingly looking for talented individuals to fill their ranks. Despite its current prominence, the creative class is still often misunderstood by those outside its ranks. Many believe that only artists or writers can be considered “creative” when creativity spans all fields and professions, from marketing and advertising to computer programming and architecture. Furthermore, people often think of “intelligence” as a key component of career success – but while being smart is undoubtedly useful in most occupations, it doesn’t necessarily equate to creativity. This misper
- According to research published by the Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia, daydreaming is essential for increasing our Imagination. However, because we are constantly surrounded by technology, this improvement is less likely.
- Creative people tend to be intelligent, but research has shown that having a very high I.Q. is not necessarily linked to enhanced creative success—personality factors are also essential.
Final Thoughts
It’s now time for you to put these Imagination statistics to good use. Early and often, quote them so you can reclaim some of your daydreaming’s and focus on tasks. If you need further assistance, check out these articles on how to get your creative juices flowing.
· Forbes

Petri Maatta is a photographer, filmmaker, and webdesigner who has been working for over 20 years in the creative industry. Fascinated by manifesting for business reasons, Petri was determined to find out what it took to create success. He started his career with seven years of business failures before he found success by learning about manifesting from a mentor with a Fortune 500 company. Today Petri shares his knowledge through DreamMaker courses designed to help people change their businesses and lives while living on their terms.
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